World No Tobacco Day 2015 – Eliminating illicit trade of tobacco products | VHL Regional Portal

World No Tobacco Day 2015 – Eliminating illicit trade of tobacco products

imagesOn May 31st the World no Tobacco Day in celebrated in United Nations member countries. The Pan American Health Organization /World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) and its global partners are leading the campaign, which in 2015 is focused in eliminating illegal trade in tobacco products and highlight the risks associated with tobacco use, advocating effective policies to reduce consumption. In many aspects, such as health, legal and economic, governance and corruption, the illegal trade in tobacco products is a global concern.

The main objectives of the campaign 2015 World No Tobacco Day are:

Scientific and Technical Literature

BIREME/PAHO/WHO selected scientific and technical literature  of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) on the topics of the World no Tobacco Day 2015.