World Cancer day: We can. I can. | VHL Regional Portal

World Cancer day: We can. I can.


On February 4th we celebrate the World Cancer Day.  Under the theme ‘We can. I can. ‘, from 2016 to  2018, it emphasizes how all of us – collectively and  individually – can do our part to reduce the global  burden of cancer.

In the same way that cancer can affect anyone,  everyone has the power to take several actions to  reduce the impact that cancer has on individuals, families and communities. The World Cancer Day is an opportunity to reflect on what each person can do, engage and act. Whatever you choose to do within ‘We can. I can.’ will have an impact in the fight against cancer.

PAHO/WHO works with countries in the region to reduce 25% by 2025 premature deaths from non-communicable diseases, including cancer.

Through its action plan launched in October 2013 PAHO promotes strategies to reduce the use of tobacco and alcohol, supports the introduction of HPV vaccines and screening tests, and advocate on improving the quality and access to early diagnosis of breast cancer.

The Organization also promotes improvement in radiology services and access to essential and affordable chemotherapy drugs; and promotes the expansion of access to palliative care programs and opiates for the relief of pain and symptom management.


Scientific and technical literature

BIREME/PAHO/WHO selected documents from the Virtual Health Library (VHL) on the themes of the World Cancer Day 2016 campaign.


Links of interest

Virtual Health Library Cancer Prevention and Control (in Portuguese)

World Cancer Day 2016

National Cancer Institute

Cancer Foundation of Brazil (in Portuguese)

PAHO Health topics – cancer

WHO Health Topics – Cancer