Multimedia | VHL Regional Portal

Resources found: 68

No barco prenda os cabelos: proteja-se do escalpelamento

Date: 21/06/2023

Material para a conscientização, prevenção e a mobilização da sociedade para o combate ao escalpelamento e a todos os acidentes ocasionados em pequenas embarcações.
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Accident Prevention, Graphic Novel, Health Promotion, Ships/standards

What do healthy cities look like? [infografía]

Date: 01/06/2019

The ways our communities are built influences our health in many ways. The streets, sidewalks, buildings, and parks that make up our cities, known collectively as the built environment, can influence our physical and mental health. By using a health lens to design transportation systems, public spaces, and built form, our cities and towns can promote enhanced health for all.
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Health Promotion, Healthy City

Let’s have a conversation about healthy places [infografía]

Date: 01/06/2019

'Let’s have a conversation about Healthy Places' highlights key information on Canadian urban issues: cost-benefit analysis on active and motorized transportation options, inspiring practices and information on the challenges of addressing equity and health. Enough to fuel your next electoral debates and workshops on the theme of urban policies! The Active Neighbourhoods Canada network produced ...
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Health Promotion, Healthy City, Canada

O impacto do tabagismo custa o equivalente a 20% do auxílio emergencial em 2020 [Infográfico]

Date: 28/04/2021

As empresas questionam pagar a taxa de registro de suas marcas à Anvisa. Em 1999, Philip Morris e Souza Cruz entraram com um mandato de segurança questionando o pagamento da taxa, desde então, os valores estão sendo depositados em juízo, e desde 2019 o processo tramita em segredo de justiça. Estima-se que R$170 milhões estejam nessa conta, a taxa é cobrada de outros produtos, incluindo rem...
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Tobacco Industry/economics, Taxation of the Tobacco-Derived Products, Tobacco Use Disorder/economics, Health Promotion

Alcohol y salud [infografía]

Date: 26/09/2018

3 milones de muertes por minuto debido al consumo nocivo de alcohol cada año.
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Alcoholism/prevention & control, Binge Drinking/epidemiology, Health Promotion

Fazer atividade física me estimulou a ter uma alimentação saudável

Date: 01/02/2016

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Health Promotion, Exercise, Diet, Healthy

Das escolhas certas se cuida todos os dias

Date: 02/02/2015

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Smoking Prevention, Health Promotion

Quem trabalha sob o sol precisa se proteger do câncer de pele

Date: 01/02/2016

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Skin Neoplasms, Health Promotion

Praticar atividade física nos ajudou a manter um peso saudável

Date: 01/02/2016

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Obesity, Health Promotion, Neoplasms, Exercise

Nós podemos, Eu posso.

Date: 01/02/2016

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Health Promotion, Neoplasms