
Updated content in: 04/03/2024

Let’s Talk About Obesity and...

"Obesity is a complex interaction of different factors, for different people, in different countries and cultures. One universal strategy for every person is never going to be the solution. That’s why this year’s World Obesity Day is opening up a wider conversation." (World Obesity Day)

Malnutrition and obesity

"...Obesity is one of today’s most blatantly visible – yet most neglected – public health problems. Paradoxically coexisting with undernutrition, an escalating global epidemic of overweight and obesity – “globesity” – is taking over many parts of the world. If immediate action is not taken, millions will suffer from an array of serious health disorders." (WHO)

(Documents in VHL)

Obesity - Non-Communicable Diseases

"The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes NCDs as a major challenge for sustainable development. As part of the Agenda, heads of state and government committed to develop ambitious national responses, by 2030, to reduce by one third premature mortality from NCDs through prevention and treatment (SDG target 3.4)." (WHO)


(Documents in VHL)
