The use of solid fuels for cooking is a public health problem in the Americas and one of the main environmental risks. Some 3 billion people cook and heat their homes with open fires and stoves that burn biomass (wood, animal excrement or agricultural waste) and charcoal. Every year, more than 4 million people die prematurely from diseases attributable to household air pollution as a result of the use of solid fuels for cooking.
Goal 3.9
Substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses caused by hazardous chemicals, pollution and contamination of air, water and soil.
Sustainable Development Goals – ODS 3 – Health and Wellness
To ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages.
Goal 3.9 is one of the goals that best explains the relationship between health and the environment. It allows for the assessment of access to basic services such as water, sanitation and waste collection by verifying the percentage of the population with an adequate water supply; the adequate disposal of sanitary wastewater by connecting households to the collection network; the percentage of people served by household waste collection services, among other points.

Goal 7.1
By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.
Sustainable Development Goals – ODS 7 – Clean and affordable energy
Ensuring reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable access to energy for all
Addressing the needs of the economy and protecting the environment is one of the great challenges of sustainable development. Target 7.1 recognizes the importance of the transition from non-renewable and polluting sources of energy to clean renewable sources of energy, paying particular attention to the needs of the most vulnerable people and countries.
The situation of countries
- Calidad de aire y salud en la Argentina - Ministerio de Salud
- Calidad de aire y salud en la Argentina
Documentos científicos en la BVS
Costa Rica
El Salvador
- CAI - Perfil de país
- Lanzamiento de la Norma OHN 97001:2017, estufas mejoradas
- Norma OHN 97001:2017 - Estufas mejoradas - Requisitos y métodos de ensayo para la clasificación y categorización
- Estufas em Honduras “Vida mejor com ecofogones de alto rendimiento
- Vida Mejor Cookstoves Honduras
- Documentos en la BVS
Puerto Rico
República Dominicana
Videos and Infographics
Other documents
- Quema de combustibles en los hogares
- WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: selected pollutants
- Eliminación del uso de combustibles sólidos y queroseno en los hogares urbanos
- Igniting Change: Una Estrategia para la Adopción Universal de Estufas y Combustibles Limpios
- El uso doméstico de leña en los países en desarrollo y sus repercusiones en la salud
- Estudios abordan maneras de cocinar menos contaminantes
Interesting links
- Clean Cooking Implementation Science Network (ISN)
- Household Energy, Climate, and Health Research Group (Kirk Smith)
- Poluição intradomiciliar: uso desregrado de lenha nas casas brasileiras trará conseqüências, alerta pesquisadora(Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina tropical – SBMT)
- 82 mil muertes por contaminación del aire en el hogar