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Are we selling children & adolescents a lifetime of ill-health? Join CAP-2030 for the debate

Data: 07/07/2021

In February 2020, the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission ‘A Future for the World’s Children?’ launched its landmark report calling for urgent action for children’s health and well-being, to put them at the centre of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and at the centre of all policies across sectors. The report finds that children across the world face an uncertain future due to a rapidly changing climate, mass commercial marketing of harmful products like sugar, fast food, tobacco and alcohol, polluted environments, poverty, pervasive inequalities, migration and conflict, and from the failure of all sectors to integrate children’s needs and rights into their policies. Following our global launch on climate change, we'll be taking a deeper look at the mass commercial marketing of harmful products to children & adolescents at this event.

Autor(es): CAP-2030 Idioma: Inglês Duração: 1 vídeo do youtube (1:32:30 min): son., color. Editor: CAP-2030
Assunto(s): Qualidade de Vida; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Proteção da Criança; Obesidade Pediátrica/prevenção & controle; Indústria de Processamento de Alimentos; Dieta Saudável; Fast Foods/efeitos adversos; Marketing Social/ética; Política de Saúde
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