VHL Regional Portal

Resources found: 13

Simpósio Dependência de Drogas: Muito Além da Biologia

São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Date: 08/08/2011 - 08/08/2011

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Substance-Related Disorders, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Inactivation, Metabolic, Illicit Drugs, Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Alcoholism, Psychoses, Alcoholic, Alcohol Amnestic Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Mental Health Assistance, 50230, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Dependência de Drogas: Muito Além da Biologia

XIV Simpósio Internacional sobre Tratamento de Tabagismo. X Simpósio Internacional sobre Álcool e outras Drogas

Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil
Date: 30/06/2011 - 02/07/2011

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Pharmaceutical Preparations, Smoking, Tobacco Use Cessation, 51529, 51528, Substance-Related Disorders, Inactivation, Metabolic, Illicit Drugs, Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Alcoholism, Psychoses, Alcoholic, Alcohol Amnestic Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Mental Health Assistance, 50230, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Tratamento de Tabagismo, Álcool, iasânciasânciasânciasânciasânciasânciasâncias

XIV Simpósio Internacional sobre Tratamento de Tabagismo/X Simpósio Internacional sobre Álcool e outras Drogas

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Date: 30/06/2011 - 02/07/2011

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Pharmaceutical Preparations, Smoking, Tobacco Use Cessation, 51529, 51528, Substance-Related Disorders, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Inactivation, Metabolic, Illicit Drugs, Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Alcoholism, Psychoses, Alcoholic, Alcohol Amnestic Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Mental Health Assistance, 50230, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Tratamento de Tabagismo, Álcool

I Simpósio Internacional sobre Intervenções Breves e Uso de Drogas: Experiências Brasileiras e Internacionais

São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Date: 10/06/2010 - 11/06/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Human Rights, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Mental Health Assistance, 50230, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Intervenções Breves e Uso de Drogas: Experiências Brasileiras e Internacionais, osmentosmentosmentosmentos, casuticasuticasuticas

I Seminário Internacional sobre Drogas Inalantes: Impacto junto à Criança e ao Adolescente

São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Date: 25/05/2010 - 25/05/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychology, Child, Psychology, Adolescent, Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry, Preventive Psychiatry, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, 34602, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Drogas Inalantes: Impacto junto à Criança e ao Adolescente

III Simpósio AMEFI/ABTOS : A Família Incestuosa

Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil
Date: 22/05/2010 - 23/05/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Services, 50207, Human Rights, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Mental Health Assistance, Social Support, Depression, Violence, Therapeutic Approaches, 34602, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Incest, Family Conflict, Child Abuse, Sexual, Sexual Harassment, "A Família Incestuosa"

IV Congresso da SPAGESP (Sociedade de Psicoterapias Analíticas Grupais do Estado de São Paulo). X Jornada do NESME (Núcleo de Estudos de Saúde Mental e Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares). IV Congresso de Saúde Mental da Região de Ribeirão Preto

Ribeirão Preto/SP - Brasil
Date: 21/05/2010 - 23/05/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychology, Clinical, Psychology, Child, Psychology, Adolescent, Psychiatry, Preventive Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, Mental Healing, Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Centers, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Delivery of Health Care, Mental Health Assistance, Health Sciences, Family Therapy, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Education, Continuing, Health Education

19th Wonca World Conference of Family Doctors (Wonca Cancun 2010)

Cancun - México
Date: 19/05/2010 - 23/05/2010

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Medicine, Public Health, Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms, Health Management, Health Services, Health Policy, Planning and Management, Health Promotion, 23927, Ecological Development, Environment, Human Rights, Child, Child Health, Pediatrics, Adolescent, Women, Women's Health, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS Serodiagnosis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Gender Identity, Sexuality, Homosexuality, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Old Age Assistance, Health Services for the Aged, Nutritional Physiological Phenomena, Feeding Behavior, Nutritional Sciences, Dentistry, Practice Patterns, Dentists', Fenômenos Bioquímicos, Metabolismo e Nutrição

XVI Encontro de Terapia Familiar - Tratamento da Dependência Química : Integrando Abordagens Individuais, Grupais e Familiares

Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
Date: 30/04/2010 - 01/05/2010

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychology, Clinical, Psychiatry, Preventive Psychiatry, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, Population Groups, Vulnerable Populations, Adolescent, Violence, Safety, 17627, Human Rights, Public Health, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Medical Assistance, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Legislation, Drug, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Health Services Accessibility, Delivery of Health Care, Mental Health Assistance, Diagnosis of Health Situation, Health Evaluation, Health Sciences, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, "Tratamento da Dependência Química : Integrando Abordagens Individuais, Grupais e Familiares", itaçãoitação

I Encontro Interdisciplinar em Álcool e Outras Drogas

São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Date: 03/12/2009 - 04/12/2009

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Medicine, Psychology, Psychology, Clinical, Psychiatry, Preventive Psychiatry, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Services, Policy Making, 50207, Human Rights, Primary Health Care, Rehabilitation Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Therapeutic Approaches, 34602, Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholism, Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Drug and Narcotic Control, Illicit Drugs, Legislation, Drug, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Behavioral Medicine, Mental Health, Health Services Accessibility, Delivery of Health Care, Mental Health Assistance, Diagnosis of Health Situation, Health Evaluation, Health Sciences, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, "Álcool e Outras Drogas"