Diagnostic test for detection of syphilis in pregnancy

In review
About the search
BIREME|OPS|OMS , Biblioteca de Saúde Pública. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - BR526.1  

Diagnostic test for detection of syphilis in pregnancy

Main subjects
Sífilis; syphilis; Mulheres Grávidas; pregnant women; Sífilis Congênita; Congenital Syphilis; Sífilis Latente; Latent Syphilis; gravidez; pregnancy

Secondary subjects
Sorodiagnóstico da Sífilis; syphilis serodiagnosis

Search result
Portal Regional da BVS

Search strategy

iAHx search strategy
("great pox" OR "syphilis" OR "congenital syphilis" OR "primary syphilis" OR "secondary syphilis" OR "tertiary syphilis" OR "latent syphilis" OR "sifilis" OR "sifilis congenita" OR "sifilis latente") OR (mh:("syphilis" OR "syphilis, congenital" OR "syphilis, latent")) AND (mh:("pregnant women" OR "pregnancy" OR "gravidity") OR ("pregnant women" OR "women pregnant" OR "pregnancy" OR "gravidity" OR "gravida" OR "mulher gravida" OR "mulheres gravidas")) AND (mh:("syphilis serodiagnosis" OR "syphilis serologies" OR "syphilis serodiagnosis" OR "syphilis serology" OR "vdrl" OR "syphilis serologic test" OR "syphilis serologic testing" OR "syphilis serologic tests" OR "syphilis serological" OR "Tests, FTA-ABS" OR "laboratory test"))

Search strategy (Pubmed)
Search strategy
("great pox"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis"[Title/Abstract] OR "congenital syphilis"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis"[MeSH Terms] OR "syphilis, congenital"[MeSH Terms] OR "syphilis, latent"[MeSH Terms] OR "primary syphilis"[Title/Abstract] OR "secondary syphilis"[Title/Abstract] OR "tertiary syphilis"[Title/Abstract] OR "latent syphilis"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("pregnancy"[Title/Abstract] OR "pregnancy"[MeSH Terms] OR "pregnant women"[Title/Abstract] OR "women pregnant"[Title/Abstract] OR "pregnant women"[MeSH Terms] OR "gravidity"[Title/Abstract] OR "gravidity"[MeSH Terms]) AND ("syphilis serodiagnosis"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis serodiagnosis"[MeSH Terms] OR "syphilis serology"[Title/Abstract] OR (("syphilis"[MeSH Terms] OR "syphilis"[All Fields]) AND "serology"[MeSH Terms]) OR "vdrl"[Title/Abstract] OR ("syphilis serologic test"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis serologic testing"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis serologic tests"[Title/Abstract] OR "syphilis serological"[Title/Abstract]) OR "tests fta abs"[Title/Abstract])

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