Regionalization of care for high-risk pregnant women

About the search

Search strategy developed to support the construction of Synthesis of evidence on the theme with emphasis on the transportation of the pregnant woman to a reference center.

Main subjects
Alto risco obstétrico; Alto risco perinatal; Gestação de alto risco; high-risk pregnancy; neonatal transport; Transportation of Patients; Transporte de Pacientes

Search result
Portal Regional da BVS

Search strategy
N03.349.650= Regionalização

iAHx search strategy
(Eclampsi* OR mh:Eclampsia OR mh:"Hipertensão Induzida pela Gravidez" OR "Hipertensão Induzida pela Gravidez" OR "Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension" OR "Hipertensión Inducida en el Embarazo" OR "Hipertensão Gestacional" OR ((hipertens* OR hypertens* OR "Blood Pressure" OR "Pressão arterial alta" OR "Pressão alta" OR "Pressão sanguinea alta" OR "Presión sanguínea alta" OR "Presión alta") (gravidez OR gravidas OR gravida OR gestaciona* OR gestacao OR gravidic* OR embarazad* OR embarazo OR pregnanc* OR pregnant*)) OR mh:"Pre-Eclampsia" OR "Pre-Eclampsia" OR Preeclampsia OR Gestose OR Gestosis OR "Toxemia Gravídica" OR "EPH Complex" OR ((Toxemia* OR gestosis OR Oedema OR Proteinuria OR EPH) (gravidez OR gravidas OR gravida OR gestaciona* OR gestacao OR gravidic* OR embarazad* OR embarazo OR pregnanc* OR pregnant*)) OR ("Complicações do Trabalho de Parto" OR "Alto risco obstetrico" OR "Alto risco perinatal" OR "Gestacao de alto risco" OR "Gestacao de risco" OR "Gravidez de Alto Risco" OR "high-risk pregnancy" OR ((risco OR riesgo OR emergenc* OR risk*) AND (obstetric* OR pregnan* OR gravidez* OR embarazo OR gestacao)))) ((mh:N03.349.650* OR regionalizat* OR regionalizacao OR Regionalización OR "Regional Health Planning" OR "Planejamento Regional" OR "Planificación Regional") OR ("neonatal transfer" OR "neonatal transport" OR "Transportation of Patients" OR "Transporte de Pacientes" OR "health care transport" OR "patients transportation" OR "interfacility transport" OR "interfacility transfer" OR "maternal transport" OR "emergency transport" OR "inter-facility transferred" OR "interfacility transportation" OR "Transporte interhospitalario"))

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