Oropouche Fever

About the search

Oropouche fever (OF) is a disease caused by an arbovirus (virus transmitted by arthropods) of the genus Orthobunyavirus, from the family Peribunyaviridae. The Orthobunyavirus oropoucheense (OROV) was first isolated in Brazil in 1960, from a blood sample of a sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) captured during the construction of the Belém-Brasília highway. Since then, isolated cases and outbreaks have been reported in Brazil, mainly in the states of the Amazon region. Cases and outbreaks have also been reported in other countries of Central and South America.(Panamá, Argentina, Bolívia, Equador, Peru e Venezuela).Oropouche Fever.  Ministério da Saúde do Brasil

Main subjects
Oropouche fever, febre Oropouche, fiebre Oropouche, OROV, Orthobunyavirus oropoucheense, Infecções por Bunyaviridae, Orthobunyavirus

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
C22 = Animal Diseases

iAHx search strategy
(("Oropouche fever" OR "febre Oropouche" OR "fiebre Oropouche") OR (ti:Oropouche AND ti:(infeccao OR infection* OR infeccion* OR fever OR fiebre OR febre OR doenca* OR disease* OR enfermidad*)) OR (((("OROV" OR Orthobunyavirus) AND Oropouche) OR "virus Oropouche" OR "Oropouche virus") AND (infeccao OR infection* OR infeccion* OR fever OR fiebre OR febre OR doenca* OR disease* OR enfermidad*)) OR ("Infeccoes por Bunyaviridae" AND Oropouche) AND NOT mh:C22*)

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Oropouche Fever

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