ODS3 -Meta3.A: Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: tobacco dependence and cessation

About the search

Filter for Goal 3.A: Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control included in Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) - Health and Well-Being

Main subjects
Tobacco; Tabaco; Nicotine; Tobacco Use; Uso de Tabaco

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((mj:("Tobacco Products" OR Tobacco OR Nicotine OR "Tobacco Use" OR "Tobacco Use Disorder" OR Smoking OR Smokers OR "Cigarette Smoking") OR ti:(tabagismo OR tabaquismo OR smoking OR Smoker* OR "tobacco use" OR fumar OR fumante OR nicotin*) OR mj:("Smoking Prevention" OR "Smoking Reduction" OR "Tobacco Use Cessation") OR ti:("Smoking Prevention" OR "Smoking Reduction")) AND (mh:("Tobacco Use Cessation Devices" OR "Nicotine Chewing Gum" OR "Tobacco Use Cessation" OR "Smoking Cessation Agents") OR ((Nicotin* OR smoking OR tobacco OR tabaco OR fumar OR fumo OR tabagism*) AND ti:(Patch OR Adesiv* OR Dispositiv* OR Device* OR Delivery OR Emplastro OR Inalante* OR Inhalant* OR Pastilha* OR Lozenge* OR "Nasal spray" OR Chicles OR "Goma de Mascar" OR Gum)) OR (ti:(Replacement OR Substitu* OR Cessation OR abandono) AND ti:(Product* OR Produto* OR Therap* OR terapia*)) OR (mh:(Varenicline OR Bupropione OR "Nicotinic Agonists") OR ti:(Varenicline OR Bupropione OR "Nicotinic Agonists") AND mh:(Counseling OR "Behavior Therapy") OR ti:(Aconselhamento OR Consejo OR "Terapia Comportamental" OR "Terapia Conductista" OR "Behavior Modification" OR "Behavior Treatment" OR "Conditioning Therapy" OR "psychosocial interventions" OR "Behaviour counselling" OR "cessation pharmacotherapy" OR "tobacco-dependence treatment" OR "Mental Health" OR "Psychological Support"))))

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