ODS3 -Meta3.9: Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

About the search

Filter for Goal 3.9: Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination included in Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) - Health and Well-Being

Main subjects
Monitoramento ambiental; Environmental Monitoring; environmental Protection; proteção ambiental; Saneamento; Sanitation

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
N06.850.780.200.800 = Sanitation   H02.403.720.750 = Preventive Medicine   N02.421.726 = Preventive Health Services  

iAHx search strategy
((mh:N06.850.780.200.800* OR mh:"politica ambiental" OR mh:"monitoramento ambiental" OR mh:"protecao ambiental" OR mh:"Saude e Ambiente" OR "environmental policy" OR "environmental monitoring" OR "monitoreo de ambiente" OR "protecao ambiental" OR "proteccion ambiental" OR "environmental protection" OR "politica ambiental" OR mh:"politica ambiental municipal" OR mh:"legislacao ambiental" OR mh:"normas de qualidade ambiental" OR (ti:politica AND ti:ambiental) OR (ti:environmental AND ti:policy) OR (ti:legislacao AND ti:ambiental) OR (ti:legislacion AND ti:ambiental) OR (ti:legislation AND ti:environmental) OR mh:saneamento OR mh:"Saneamento Basico" OR mh:"Saude Ambiental" OR mh:"Abastecimento de Agua" OR mh:"Redes de Esgoto" OR "Saude e Ambiente" OR "Saude e Meio Ambiente" OR "Salud y Ambiente" OR "Ambiente e Saude" OR (plumbing OR "Sanitary Engineering" OR "Engenharia Sanitaria" OR "Ingenieria Sanitaria" OR plomeria OR sanitation OR assainissement OR saneamento OR saneamiento OR "Monitoramento Ambiental") OR mh:"Impacto Ambiental" OR mh:"Poluicao Ambiental" OR "environmental pollutants" OR "poluentes ambientais" OR "contaminantes ambientales" OR "environmental pollution" OR "contaminacion ambiental" OR "poluicao ambiental" OR "Environmental Hazards" OR "Riesgos Ambientales" OR "Riscos Ambientais" OR mh:"environmental risks") ((Reduc* OR reduzir OR reduct* OR reducci* OR detener OR detencion OR diminuir OR diminuicao OR diminut* OR disminucion OR disminuir OR evitar OR evitable* OR evitave* OR declin* OR prevencion OR prevention OR prevencao OR preventiv* OR decrease OR decresce* OR end OR combat* OR acabar OR terminar OR control* OR erradica* OR elimina* OR eradica* OR mitiga*) OR ("reduce deaths" OR "reducir las muertes" OR "reduccion de las muertes" OR "reduzir as mortes" OR "reducao das mortes" OR "servicos preventivos" OR "servicios preventivos" OR "preventive services" OR mh:"Prevention and Mitigation" OR "Prevention and Mitigation" OR "Prevención y Mitigación" OR "Prevencao e Mitigacao" OR sh:"prevencao e controle" OR mh:H02.403.720.750* OR mh:N02.421.726*)))

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ODS3 -Meta3.9: Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

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