SDG 3 Target 3.4 Reduce premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases: Obesity

About the search

Filter for Goal 3.4: Reduce premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases: Obesity - Sustainable Development Goal 3 (ODS3) - Health and Well-Being

Main subjects
Obesidade; Obesity; Obesidad

Search result
Portal Regional da BVS

Search strategy
H02.403.720.750 = Medicina Preventiva N02.421.726 = Serviços Preventivos de Saúde C18.654.726.750.500 = Obesidade

iAHx search strategy
(((Reduc* OR reduzir OR reduct* OR reducci* OR detener OR detencion OR diminuir OR diminuicao OR diminut* OR disminucion OR disminuir OR evitar OR evitable* OR evitave* OR declin* OR prevencion or prevention or prevencao or preventiv* OR decrease OR decresce* OR end OR combat* OR acabar OR terminar OR control* OR erradica* OR elimina* OR eradica* OR mitiga* OR baixar OR bajar OR "servicos preventivos" OR "servicios preventivos" OR "preventive services" OR mh:"Prevention and Mitigation" OR "Prevention and Mitigation" OR "Prevención y Mitigación" OR "Prevencao e Mitigacao" OR sh:"prevencao e controle" OR mh:H02.403.720.750* OR mh:N02.421.726*) AND ("indice de mortalidad" OR "taxa de mortalidade" OR "mortality rate" OR "death rate" OR "indices de mortalidad" OR "taxas de mortalidade" OR "mortality rates" OR "death rates" OR death* OR obito* OR mortali* OR morte* OR muerte* OR mh:mortality OR mh:"mortalidade prematura" OR sh:mortalidade OR "mortalidade prematura" OR "mortalidad prematura" OR "premature mortality" OR "mortalidade precoce" OR "mortalidad precoz" OR "early death" OR "muerte prematura" OR "muerte precoz" OR "muerte temprana" OR "morte precoce" OR fallecid* OR fallecimiento* OR falecid* OR faleciment* OR dye OR dying)) OR ("reduce deaths" OR "reducir las muertes" OR "reduccion de las muertes" OR "reduzir as mortes" OR "reducao das mortes")) AND (mh:C18.654.726.750.500* OR mh:"sobrepeso" OR ti:overweight OR ti:obesit* OR ti:sobrepeso OR ti:obesidad* OR ti:obese* OR ti:obesa* OR ti:obeso* OR mh:"peso corporal" OR (ti:peso AND ti:corpo*) OR (ti:Body AND ti:Weight) OR mh:"indice de massa corporal" OR ((ti:indice OR ti:index) AND (ti:mass OR ti:masa OR ti:massa)))

MEDLINE, LILACS, National, Specialized Databases or International Organizations

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