Yellow Fever

About the search

Scientific information about Yellow Fever

Main subjects
Febre Amarela; Fiebre Amarilla; Yellow Fever

Search result
Portal Regional da BVS  

Publication year
2000 and up

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((ti:("febre amarela" OR "yellow fever" OR "fiebre amarilla" OR "fievre jaune" OR YFV OR ((yellow AND fever*) AND "yellow fever")) OR mh:"Febre amarela" OR mh:"Virus da Febre Amarela") OR (ti:(virus or flavivirus* OR vetor OR aedes OR strain OR cepa OR mosquit* OR urban*) AND ("febre amarela" OR "yellow fever" OR "fiebre amarilla" OR "fievre jaune" OR YFV))) AND (da:20*)

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