Chronic diseases

About the search

Relevant documents referring to Health topics highlighted on the Pan American Health Organization site - Chronic diseases.

Main subjects
Doenças crônicas, enfermedades crónicas, chronic diseases

Search result
Chronic diseases

Search strategy
Panamerican Health Organization - Health topics

iAHx search strategy
((((ti:Diabete$ or ti:obesidad$ or ti:obesit$ or ti:cancer or ti:neoplasi$ or mj:obesidade or mj:Tabagismo or mj:tabaco or ti:tabaco or ti:tobaco or ti:smoking or ti:"habito de fumar" or ti:"Tobacco Smoking" OR ti:nicotina OR ti:cigarro or ti:fumante or mj:Alcoolismo or ti:alcool$ or mj:hipertensao or ti:hipertens$ or ti:hypertens$ or ti:((doenca$ or disease$ or disorder$ or enfermeda$ or dolencia$ or molestia$) (respirator$ or cardiovascular$)) or mj:C08$ or mj:C14$ or mj:C04$ or mj:C19.246$ or mj:C18.452.394.750$ or mj:C18.654.726.500$) (cronic$ or chronic$ or chroniq$ or "non communicable" or noncommunicable$ or "no transmisibles" or "no transmisible" or "nao transmissivel" or "nao transmissiveis") (doenca$ or disease$ or disorder$ or enfermeda$ or dolencia$ or molestia$ or maladie$ or pathologie$ or malade or illness or caso$ or cuadros$)) (((tw:prevencion or tw:prevention or tw:prevencao or tw:preventiv$ or tw:promotion or tw:promocion or tw:promocao or tw:campanha$ or tw:campaign$ or tw:cuidado$ or tw:care) and (tw:sanitar$ or tw:salud or tw:saude or tw:health)) or mh:N04.590.233.727$ or tw:"Primary Health Care" or tw:"Atención Primaria de Salud" or tw:"Atenção Primaria à Saude" or tw:"Atenção Básica" or tw:"Atenção Primária" or tw:"Atendimento Primário" or tw:"Cuidados Primários" or tw:"Medicos de Familia" or tw:"Family doctor" or tw:"Medicos de Comunidade" or mh:N05.300.430$ or tw:"serviços de saúde" or tw:"Health Services" or tw:"Servicios de Salud" or mh:E01.370.500$ or tw:"Mass Screening" or tw:"Tamizaje Masivo" or tw:"Programas de Rastreamento" or tw:"Triagem de Massa" or tw:"Triagem Neonatal" or tw:"Neonatal Screening" or tw:"Tamizaje Neonatal" or tw:"Teste do Pezinho" or mh:N02.421.726$ or tw:"Preventive Health Services" or tw:"Cuidados Preventivos" or tw:"Health Education" or tw:"Educación en Salud" or tw:"Educação em Saúde" or tw:"Servicios Preventivos" or tw:"Serviços Preventivos" or tw:Immuniza$ or tw:Inmuniza$ or tw:Imuniza$ or tw:Vacina$ or tw:Vaccin$ or mh:N05.300.450$ or mh:H02.403.720.750$ or ((tw:Preventiv$ or tw:social) and tw:Medicine) or ((tw:public$ or tw:comunit$ or tw:comunid$ or tw:communit$) and (tw:sanitar$ or tw:salud or tw:saude or tw:health))) and not (animal$ or animais)))

MEDLINE, LILACS, CDSR - Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials : CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials, DARE - Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects, NHS Economic Evaluations Database, HTA - Health Technology Assessment Database, WHOLIS (WHO Library Database), PAHO (PAHO Library Database), All VHL data bases.

2 thoughts on “Chronic diseases

  1. mas info

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