First Trimester of Pregnancy

About the search
WHO Library

This search was used to inform a systematic review on first Trimester abortions using Misoprostol alone. Spontaneous Abortions (Miscarriages) were included in the search.

Main subjects
First Trimester Pregnancy

Search result
"VHL Regional Portal"

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy

Search strategy (Pubmed)
Includes Miscarriages

Search strategy
"Pregnancy Trimester, First"[Mesh] OR first-trimester*[tiab] OR 1st-trimester*[tiab] OR primary-trimester*[tiab] OR "early pregnancy"[tiab:~3] OR "early pregnancies"[tiab:~3] OR "early abortion"[tiab:~3] OR "earlier abortion"[tiab:~3] OR "early abortions"[tiab:~3] OR "earlier abortions"[tiab:~3] OR "early termination"[tiab:~3] OR "earlier termination"[tiab:~3] OR "8 week gestation"[tiab:~2] OR "9 week gestation"[tiab:~2] OR "10 week gestation"[tiab:~2] OR "11 week gestation"[tiab:~2] OR "12 week gestation"[tiab:~2] OR "8 week gestational"[tiab:~2] OR "9 week gestational"[tiab:~2] OR "10 week gestational"[tiab:~2] OR "11 week gestational"[tiab:~2] OR "12 week gestational"[tiab:~2] OR 63-days[tiab] OR 56-days[tiab]

Search strategy (Cochrane)
Cochrane central doesn't allow number phrases without ""

Search strategy
#11 MeSH descriptor: [Pregnancy Trimester, First] explode all trees #12 (first-trimester* OR 1st-trimester* OR primary-trimester* OR "63 days" OR "56 days"):ti,ab,kw #13 ((early OR earlier) NEAR/3 (abortion* OR pregnanc* OR termination*)):ti,ab,kw #14 (("8 week" OR "9-week" OR "10-week" OR "11-week" OR "12-week") NEAR/3 (gestation*)):ti,ab,kw #15 #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14

Search strategy (other databases)
Search Strategy Expression I: EMBASE ELSEVIER

Search strategy
'first trimester pregnancy'/exp OR 'first trimester abortion'/exp OR (first-trimester* OR 1st-trimester* OR primary-trimester* OR 63-days OR 56-days):ti,ab,kw,de OR ((early OR earlier) NEAR/3 (abortion* OR pregnanc* OR termination*)):ti,ab,kw,de OR ((8-week OR 9-week OR 10-week OR 11-week OR 12-week) NEAR/3 (gestation*)):ti,ab,kw,de

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First Trimester of Pregnancy

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