Resources found: 827

Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with facul...
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Resource added in: 18/11/2013
Available languages: English
Schools, Veterinary, Veterinary Medicine/organization & administration, Education, Veterinary

Academia de Medicina Veterinária no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

O blog é um canal para comunicação constante e atualizada com os associados e a sociedade, que disponibiliza temas técnicos, científicos e éticos relevantes.
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Resource added in: 18/11/2013
Available languages: Portuguese
Education, Veterinary, Veterinary Medicine/organization & administration

Animal Web

Aborda temas relacionados à saúde e comportamento animal, sejam estes animais domésticos ou selvagens.
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Resource added in: 18/11/2013
Available languages: Portuguese
Behavior, Animal, Veterinary Medicine, Animals, Domestic, Animals, Wild

Twitter da ABEV - Associação Brasileira de Endocrinologia Veterinária

Twitter da Associação Brasileira de Endocrinologia Veterinária - ABEV
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: Portuguese
Endocrinology, Veterinary Medicine, Education, Veterinary

First Aid Tips for Pet Owners

To avoid the feelings of panic that may accompany these situations, we recommend the following steps to better prepare you for a pet medical emergency. The following links summarize the basics you nee...
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: English
Veterinary Medicine, First Aid/veterinary, Education, Veterinary

Animal Simulation Laboratory

We are creating computer simulations of a number of animals and using them to investigate how they move and to extract details about their locomotor capabilities. We appreciate that simply creating si...
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: English
Veterinary Medicine, Animals, Laboratory, Simulation Exercise, Education, Veterinary

Cão Cidadão

A Cão Cidadão é especializada em consultas de comportamento e adestramento em domicílio, além de promover cursos, palestras, workshops e eventos para diversos públicos: de profissionais que atua...
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: Portuguese
Veterinary Medicine, Dogs/growth & development, Behavior, Animal

Bicho Integral

s textos ali colocados serviam pra complementar as longas consultas, que nunca eram longas o suficiente pra falarmos tudo o que um cuidador/tutor deve saber sobre saúde integral. Daí, durante as hor...
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: Portuguese
Whole Foods/22074, 50322, Veterinary Medicine, AnimalAnimal

American College of Veterinary Surgeons

The ACVS defines the standards of surgical excellence for the profession, promotes advancements in veterinary surgery, and provides the latest in surgical educational programs. By fostering the highes...
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: English
Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, Veterinary, 32415, Practice Management

Australian Veterinary Association

The AVA is made up of many groups. The national office is located in Sydney, and there are divisions in each state and territory around the country. Some of the larger states also have local branches.
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Resource added in: 29/10/2013
Available languages: English
Clinical Medicine/veterinary, Veterinary Medicine, 32415