Basic sanitation and control of cholera

About the search

Tema disposto na BVS Haiti que tem por objetivo disponibilizar informação científica e técnica em ações para erradicação da cólera no país.

Main subjects
Saneamento, saúde ambiental; Sanitation , Saneamento , Saneamiento , Assainissement

Secondary subjects
Colera, cholera, kolera

Search result
Sanitation / Saneamento / Saneamiento / Assainissement

Text language
Any language

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((mh:saneamento$ or mh:"saude ambiental" or ti:saneamento or ti:saneamiento or ti:sanitation or ti:sanitaire$) and (mh:colera or tw:cholera or tw:colera or tw:kolera))

iAH search strategy
((mh saneamento$ or mh saude ambiental or ti saneamento or ti saneamiento or ti sanitation or ti sanitaire$) and (mh colera or tw cholera or tw colera or tw kolera))

MEDLINE, LILACS, CDSR - Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials : CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials, DARE - Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects, NHS Economic Evaluations Database, HTA - Health Technology Assessment Database, WHOLIS (WHO Library Database), PAHO (PAHO Library Database)

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