
About the search

Search strategy for Type of Study Filter on VHL

Main subjects
Prognóstico; Prognosis; Pronóstico

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(mh:prognosis OR mh:incidence OR mh:mortality OR mh:"follow up studies" OR ti:(seguimento* OR prognos* OR predict* OR preditiv*) OR (ti:(course* OR curso*) ti:(disease* OR enfermedad* OR doenca*)) OR "first episode" OR "primeiro episodio" OR ((predict* OR preditiv*) AND (outcome* OR desfecho OR risk* OR risco OR riesgo OR model*)) OR ((histor* OR variable* OR variavel* OR criteri* OR scor* OR characteristic* OR finding* OR factor* OR caracteristic* OR achado* OR fator*) AND (predict* OR preditiv* OR model* OR decision* OR decisao* OR decisoes OR identif* OR prognos*)) OR ((decision* OR decisao OR decisoes) AND mh:"Logistic Models") OR ((decision* OR decisao OR decisoes) and (model* OR clinic*)) OR (prognostic* (histor* OR variable* OR variavel* OR criteri* OR scor* OR characteristic* OR finding* OR factor* OR caracteristic* OR achado* OR fator* OR model*)) OR "estudos de seguimento" OR "estudo de seguimento" OR "estudio de seguimiento" OR "estudios de seguimiento" OR "follow up study" OR "follow up studies" OR "Curva ROC" OR "ROC Curve" OR ti:(stratification* OR estratifica* OR discrimina* OR statistic OR estadistica OR estatistica) OR "área bajo la curva" OR "área sob a curva" OR "area under the curve" OR ti:(auc OR calibration OR indices OR algorithm OR multivariable OR algoritmo* OR multi-varivel))

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