Ozone Therapy in the Treatment of COVID-19

In review
About the search

Evidence map search strategy Ozone Therapy for Treatment of COVID-19

Main subjects
Ozonioterapia; Ozone Therapy; Ozonetherapy; Covid-19; Covid 19

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
("ozone therapy" OR "ozonioterapia" OR (("oxygen-ozone" OR ozono* OR ozone* OR ozonio* OR "ionized medical oxygen" OR ozone*) AND (treat* OR tratam* OR therap* OR terap* OR medic* OR clinic*))) AND (((("2019-2020" OR 2019 OR da:202*) AND ("new coronavirus" OR "novel coronavirus" OR "nuevo coronavirus" OR "novo coronavirus" OR "coronavirus disease" OR "enfermedad por coronavirus" OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2")) OR ((2019-ncov) OR (ncov 2019) OR 2019ncov OR covid19 OR (covid-19) OR covid2019 OR (covid-2019) OR (covid 2019)) OR ((srag-cov-2 OR sars-cov-2 OR sars2 OR (sars 2) OR (sars cov 2) OR cov19 OR cov2019 OR coronavirus* OR "severe acute respiratory infections" OR "severe acute respiratory infection" OR "coronavirus 2" OR "acute respiratory disease" OR mh:betacoronavirus OR mh:"coronavirus infections" OR mh:"sars virus") AND (tw:2019 OR da:202*) AND NOT da:201*) OR (wuhan market virus) OR (virus mercado Wuhan) OR "wuhan coronavirus" OR "coronavirus de wuhan") AND NOT (ti:dromedar*))

Search strategy (Pubmed)
Search strategy
(("ozone therapy" OR "ozonated autohemotherapy" OR (("oxygen-ozone" OR ozone* OR "ionized medical oxygen") (treat* OR therap* OR medic* OR clinic*))) AND (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2[supplementary concept] OR COVID-19[supplementary concept] OR ((coronavirus[mesh terms] OR coronavirus infections[mesh terms] OR betacoronavirus[mesh terms] OR Betacoronavirus*[tiab] OR coronavirus infection[tiab]) AND ("2019/12"[date - publication] : "3000"[date - publication])) OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2[tiab] OR coronavirus disease 2019[tiab] OR 2019 novel coronavirus[tiab] OR wuhan coronavirus[tiab] OR COVID-19[tiab] OR SARS-CoV-2[tiab] OR 2019-nCoV[tiab] OR 2019 novel coronavirus[tiab] OR coronavirus infection disease 2019[tiab] OR 2019 nCoV infection[tiab] OR novel coronavirus pneumonia[tiab] OR nCoV[tiab]))

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