Oral Ozone Therapy

In review
About the search

Evidence map search strategy Clinical Application of Oral Ozone Therapy

Main subjects
Ozonioterapia Bucal; Ozonoterapia Oral; Oral Ozone Therapy

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
C07.793 = Tooth Diseases

iAHx search strategy
((mh:"ozonio/tu" OR mh:"ozonio/ad" OR ozonioterapia OR ozonoterapia OR "ozone therapy" OR ozonetherapy OR "ozonio terapia" OR "ozonated water" OR "ozonated oil" OR (("ozone water" OR "ozone gas" OR "aqueous ozone") AND (therap* OR terapia OR tratamento OR treatm*)) OR "gaseous ozone" OR "medical ozone" OR (ozon* AND (hidrozonot* OR balneoterap*)) OR (ti:(ozone OR ozonio OR ozono OR ozonat* OR ozoniz*) AND ti:(therapy OR terapia OR terape* OR tratament* OR treatment*))) AND (periodont* OR odonto* OR dentistr* OR "root canal" OR caries OR dental OR oral OR bucal OR mh:C07.793* OR gingiv* OR estomatolog* OR endodon* OR bucomaxil* OR teeth OR tooth OR dente* OR DTM OR dentis* OR gengiva* OR maxil* OR mandibul* OR jaw OR TJM OR "infection oral" OR "oral surgery" OR perimplant OR implant* OR "peri-implant" OR "oral chronic lesion" OR "jaw osteonecrosis" OR "temporomandibular joint" OR "oral microbiota"))

Search strategy (Pubmed)
Search strategy
((ozone/tu[mh] OR ozone/ad[mh] OR "ozone therapy" OR ("ozone bath" AND therapy) OR ((balneotherapy OR bath*) AND ozone*) OR "ozonated water" OR "ozonated oil" OR ("ozone water" AND therapy) OR (therapy AND "ozone gas") OR "gaseous ozone" OR ("aqueous ozone" AND therapy) OR "medical ozone") AND (periodont* OR odonto* OR dentistr* OR "root canal" OR carie* OR dental OR oral OR gingiv* OR estomatolog* OR endodon* OR "infection oral" OR "oral surgery" OR perimplant OR "peri-implant" OR implant* OR bucomaxil* OR teeth OR tooth OR dentis* OR gengiva* OR maxil* OR mandibul* OR TJM OR (oral AND "chronic lesion") OR "jaw osteonecrosis" OR "temporomandibular joint" OR "oral microbiota"))

Search strategy (other databases)

Search strategy
('ozone therapy' OR 'ozone bath therapy' OR ((balneotherapy OR bath*) AND ozone*) OR 'ozonated water' OR 'ozonated oil' OR (('ozone water' OR 'ozone gas' OR 'aqueous ozone therapy') therapy) OR 'gaseous ozone' OR 'medical ozone') AND (periodont* OR odonto* OR dentistr* OR 'root canal' OR carie* OR dental OR oral OR gingiv* OR estomatolog* OR endodon* OR 'Infection oral' OR 'oral surgery' OR perimplant OR 'peri-implant' OR implant* OR bucomaxil* OR teeth OR tooth OR dentis* OR gengiva* OR maxil* OR mandibul* OR TJM OR (oral 'chronic lesion') OR 'jaw osteonecrosis' OR 'temporomandibular joint' OR 'oral microbiota')

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