
About the search

Search strategy for Type of Study Filter on VHL

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Overview; Overviews

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Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(((mh:"Systematic Reviews as Topic" OR mh:"Meta-Analysis as Topic" OR pt:"systematic review" OR pt:"meta-analysis" OR "systematic review" OR "revisao sistematica" OR "revision sistematica" OR "systematic literature review" OR "systematic narrative review" OR "systematic qualitative review" OR "systematic evidence review" OR "systematic quantitative review" OR "systematic meta-review" OR "systematic critical review" OR "systematic mixed studies review" OR "systematic mixed methods" OR "systematic mapping review" OR "systematic cochrane review" OR "scoping review" OR "integrative review" OR "integrative literature review" OR "umbrella review" OR "rapid review" OR "meta-analysis" OR "meta-analise" OR metaanalise OR metanalise OR metaanalisis OR "meta-synthesis" OR "Metassintese" OR "systematic reviews" OR "revisoes sistematicas" OR "revisiones sistematicas" OR "systematic literature reviews" OR "systematic narrative reviews" OR "systematic qualitative reviews" OR "systematic evidence reviews" OR "systematic quantitative reviews" OR "systematic meta-reviews" OR "systematic critical reviews" OR "systematic mixed studies reviews" OR "systematic mapping reviews" OR "systematic cochrane reviews" OR "scoping reviews" OR "integrative reviews" OR "integrative literature reviews" OR "umbrella reviews" OR "rapid reviews") AND ti:overview*) OR "overview of systematic reviews" OR "overview of systematic review" OR "overviews of systematic reviews" OR "overviews of systematic review" OR "overview of SR" OR "overview of SRs" OR "overviews of SR" OR "overviews of SRs" OR ("Overviews of Reviews" Cochrane) OR "overview de revisao sistematica" OR "overview de revisoes sistematicas" OR "overviews de revisoes sistematicas" OR "overview de revisiones sistematicas" OR "overview de revision sistematica" OR "overviews de revisiones sistematicas" OR "overview of Cochrane systematic reviews" OR "overview of Cochrane SR" OR "overview of Cochrane SRs")

iAH search strategy
(((ti systematic or ti sistematica or ti review$ or ti revisao or ti revisoes or ti revision or ti revisiones or ti evidenc$ or ti meta-analysis or ti metanalysis or ti metanalisis) and ti overview) or ((ti evidenc$ or ti overview) and (ti review or ti revision or ti revisao)))

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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from 4 de janeiro de 2023 às 16:22:33. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:


4 de janeiro de 2023 às 16:22:33Current Revision
Excluído: Estudos e Investigação em SaúdeAdicionado: Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde
Excluído: Studios e Investigación en SaludAdicionado: Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde
Excluído: Studies and Research in HealthAdicionado: Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.