ODS3 -Meta3.7: Universal access to health services related to reproductive and sexual health

About the search

Filter for Goal 3.7: Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes included in Sustainable Development Goal 3 (ODS 3) - Health and Well-Being

Main subjects
Cobertura Universal de Saúde; Universal Health Coverage; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Sustainable Development; Planejamento familiar; Family Planning; Saúde Sexual; Sexual Health

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(((mh:("Universal Health Coverage" OR "Sustainable Development" OR "Health, Global" OR "Health Services Accessibility") OR ("Universal Health Coverage" OR "Cobertura Universal de Salud" OR "Cobertura Universal de Saúde" OR "Universal Coverage" OR "Cobertura Universal" OR "Sustainable Development Goals" OR "Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible" OR "Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável" OR "Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel" OR "Agenda 2030" OR "Global Health " OR "Salud Global" OR "Saúde Global" OR "International Health" OR "Worldwide Health" OR "Health Problem, International" OR "Health Problems, International" OR "Health, Global" OR "Health, International" OR "Health, World" OR "Health, Worldwide" OR "Healths, International" OR "International Health Problem" OR "International Healths" OR "Problem, International Health" OR "Problems, International Health" OR "International Health Problems" OR "World Health")) (mh:"Sexual and Reproductive Health" OR mh:"Sexual Health" OR ("Sexual Health" OR "Salud Sexual" OR "Saúde Sexual" OR "Sexual and Reproductive Health" OR "Salud Sexual y Reproductiva" OR "Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva" OR "Maternal Health Services" OR "Servicios de Salud Materna" OR "Bem-Estar Materno" OR "Maternal Welfare" OR "Bienestar Materno" OR "Maternal and Child Health" OR "Salud Materno-Infantil" OR "Saúde Materno-Infantil" OR "Serviços de Saúde Materna" OR "Pré-Natal" OR "Prenatal Care" OR "Antenatal care" OR "Atención Prenatal" OR "Cuidado Pré-Natal" OR parto OR parturition OR parto OR parturição OR "Parto Humanizado" OR "Humanizing Delivery" OR "Parto Humanizado" OR puerpério OR "Postpartum Period" OR "Periodo Posparto" OR "Período Pós-Parto" OR gestação OR gravidez OR pregnancy OR embarazo OR "Obstetric labor" OR "Trabajo de Parto" OR "Trabalho de Parto" OR "Pregnant Women" OR "Mujeres Embarazadas" OR "Transtornos puerperais" OR "Puerperal Disorders" OR "Trastornos Puerperales" OR lactação OR lactation OR lactancia OR "Cuidado Pré-concepcional" OR "Preconception Care" OR "Atención Preconceptiva" OR maternidade OR motherhood OR maternity OR infertilidade OR infertility OR infertilidad OR "Exame colpocitológico" OR "Papanicolaou Test" OR "Prueba de Papanicolaou" OR "Teste de Papanicolaou" OR "ciclo gravídico-puerperal" OR "Saúde Reprodutiva" OR "Reproductive Health" OR "Salud Reproductiva" OR "Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos" OR "Sexual and Reproductive Rights" OR "Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos" OR "Planejamento familiar" OR "planejamento reprodutivo" OR "anticoncepção" OR "Family Planning" OR "Planificación Familiar"))) AND NOT ((mh:animals AND NOT mh:humans)))

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