Humanitarian action in disasters

About the search

Tema disposto na BVS Haiti que tem por objetivo disponibilizar informação científica e técnica em ações para erradicação da cólera no país.

Main subjects
Trabalhadores voluntários, ajuda voluntária,

Secondary subjects
Cólera, américa latina, américa central, caribe

Search result

Humanitarian action / Ação humanitária / Acción humanitaria / Action humanitaire

Text language
Any language

Search strategy
iAH search strategy
(mh .trabalhadores voluntarios or ((ti volunt$ or ti human$ or ti intenational or ti internacional) and (ti help or ti ayuda or ti ajuda)) and (ti cholera or ti colera or ti kolera)) and (ex Z01.107.424$ OR ex Z01.107.084$ OR ex Z01.107.757$ OR ex Z01.107.169$ OR tw Latinameric$ OR tw Latinoamerica OR (tw Latin$ and tw America$) OR (tw America and tw Sul) OR (tw South and tw America$) OR tw Sudamerica OR tw Suramerica OR (tw America and tw Central) OR tw Centroamerica OR mh Carib$ OR tw Carib$ OR ((tw West OR tw Ocidentais OR tw Occidentales) and (tw Indies or tw Indias)) OR tw Argentin$ OR tw Bolivia$ OR tw Brasil$ OR tw Brazil$ OR tw Chile$ OR tw Colombia$ OR tw Ecuador OR tw Equador OR tw Guyana$ OR tw Guiana$ OR tw Paraguay$ OR tw Paraguai OR tw Peru OR tw Peruano$ OR tw Suriname OR tw Uruguay$ OR tw Uruguai$ OR tw Venezuela$ OR tw Belice OR tw Belize OR (tw Costa and tw Rica) OR (tw El and tw Salvador) OR tw Guatemala OR tw Honduras OR tw Nicaragua OR tw Panama OR tw Antigua OR tw Barbuda OR tw Bahamas OR tw Barbados OR tw Cuba OR tw Cuban$ OR tw Dominica$ OR tw Granada OR tw Grenada OR tw Guadalupe OR tw Guadeloupe OR tw Haiti$ OR tw Jamaica$ OR Tw Martinica OR tw Martinique OR tw Puertoric$ OR ((tw Puerto or tw Porto) and tw Rico) OR ((tw Antilhas or tw Antilles) AND (tw Dutch or tw Netherland$ or tw Holandesas)) OR tw Aruba OR tw Curacao OR tw Bonaire OR ((tw Sao or tw Saint or tw San or tw St) and (tw Cristovao or tw Cristopher or tw Kitts) and tw Nevis) OR ((tw Santa or tw Saint or tw St) and tw Lucia) OR ((tw Sao or tw Saint or tw San or tw St) and tw Vicent$ and (tw Granadin$ or tw Grenadin$)) OR ((tw Trinida$ and tw Tobago) OR tw Tobago))

MEDLINE, LILACS, CDSR - Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials : CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials, DARE - Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects, NHS Economic Evaluations Database, HTA - Health Technology Assessment Database, WHOLIS (WHO Library Database), PAHO (PAHO Library Database)

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