Determine the magnitude of the problem based on prevalence and incidence studies

In review
About the search

Option of the first trail of the EVID@Easy tool that includes the search of information to understanding and clarifying the problem of health

Main subjects
Incidence; incidencia, prevalence, prevalência

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((mh:incidence OR ti:(incidence* OR incidencia*) OR "Taxa de Ataque" OR "Taxa por Pessoa" OR "Incidence studies" OR "estudos de incidencia" OR "estudios de incidencia" OR "Incidence study" OR "estudo de incidencia" OR "estudio de incidencia" OR "number of new cases" OR "numero de novos casos" OR "Coeficiente de Incidencia" OR "Taxa de Incidencia" OR "Tasa de Incidencia" OR "Incidência Cumulativa" OR "Proporção de Incidência" OR "Attack Rate" OR "Attack Rates" OR "Cumulative Incidence" OR "Cumulative Incidences" OR "Incidence Proportion" OR "Incidence Proportions" OR "Incidence Rate" OR "Incidence Rates" OR "Person time Rate" OR "Person-time Rates" OR "Incidencia Acumulada" OR "Proporción de Incidencia" OR "Tasa de Ataque" OR "Tasa Persona-Tiempo") OR (mh:"Cross-Sectional Studies" OR ti:"cross-sectional" OR mh:Prevalence OR ti:prevalence OR ti:prevalencia OR "Estudios Seccionales" OR "Estudios Transversales" OR "Estudos Seccionais" OR "Estudos Transversais" OR "transversal study" OR "Corte Transversal" OR "Estudio Transversal" OR "Corte Transversal" OR "Estudo Transversal" OR "transversal study" OR "Corte Transversal" OR "Estudio Seccional" OR "Estudo Seccional" OR "Corte Transversal"))

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Determine the magnitude of the problem based on prevalence and incidence studies

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from 28 de abril de 2023 às 14:23:22. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

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There are no differences between the 28 de abril de 2023 às 14:23:22 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)