COVID-19 – Government health response

In review
About the search

Topic of the Overview of the Region of the Americas in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic available on the Health in the Americas portal of the Pan American Health Organization at (

Main subjects
Política de Saúde; Health Policy; Leadership and Governance; Liderança e Governança;Covid-19

Search result
Portal Regional da BVS

Publication year

Publication country
Países da Região Latino-Americana e do Caribe

Search strategy
I01.655.500.608.400 = Política de Saúde   N03.706.615 = Legislação como Assunto   Z01.107.424 = América Latina   Z01.107.757 = América do Sul   Z01.107.169 = América Central   Z01.107.084 = Região do Caribe   COPIAR E COLAR A ESTRATÉGIA NA CAIXA DA BUSCA AVANÇADA. MOTIVO: ESTRATÉGIA GRANDE

iAHx search strategy
((mh:"covid-19" OR mh:"sars-cov-2" OR "New Coronavirus" OR "Novel Coronavirus" OR "Nuevo Coronavirus" OR "Novo Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus disease" OR "Enfermedad por Coronavirus" OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" OR (2019-ncov) OR (ncov 2019) OR 2019ncov OR covid19 OR (covid-19) OR covid2019 OR (covid-2019) OR (covid 2019) OR srag-cov-2 OR sars-cov-2 OR sars2 OR (sars 2) OR (sars cov 2) OR cov19 OR cov2019 OR Coronavirus* OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infections" OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infection" OR "Coronavirus 2" OR "acute respiratory disease" OR mh:Betacoronavirus OR mh:"Coronavirus infections" OR mh:"sars virus" OR (Wuhan market virus) OR (virus mercado Wuhan) OR "Wuhan Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus de Wuhan") AND da:(2019* OR 202*)) AND (mh:I01.655.500.608.400* OR mh:"Politicas Publicas" OR mh:"Formulacao de Politicas" OR ti:(rectoría OR stewardship OR governanc* OR governanza OR politica* OR policy OR policies OR politics) OR mh:N03.706.615* OR mh:("Health Policy" OR "Health Planning" OR "Government Regulation" OR Corruption OR "Local Government" OR "Social Control, Formal" OR "Social Responsibility" OR "Regulatory Frameworks" OR "Health Sector Stewardship and Governance" OR Leadership OR Governance OR "Facility Regulation and Control" OR "International Health Regulations" OR "Risk Management" OR "Health Planning Guidelines") OR "Healthcare Policy" OR "Healthcare Policies" OR "Health Policies" OR "National Health Policy" OR "Plano Nacional de Saúde" OR "Política Nacional de Saúde" OR "Política Pública de Saúde" OR "Política de Saúde Pública" OR "Política Financeira" OR "Public Health Interventions" OR "Intervenções em Saúde Pública" OR "Expansión de Capacidades" OR "Funciones de liderazgo" OR "Funciones de coordinación" OR "Leadership and Governance" OR "Liderazgo y Gobernanza" OR "Liderança e Governança" OR "Direção e Governança do Setor de Saúde" OR "Health Sector Stewardship and Governance" OR ti:(authority OR accountability OR governance OR Leaders OR Stakeholder OR Ownership OR Mergers OR Accreditation) OR "Governance in health" OR "stewardship in health" OR "policies, strategies and action plans" OR "stewardship and regulation" OR "safeguarding systems" OR "legislation and regulations" OR "decentralised authority" OR "centralised authority" OR "government regulation of health insurance" OR "regional management of health budgets" OR "national management of health budgets" OR "policy decisions" OR "Community mobilization" OR "Stewardship of private health services" OR "services reimbursed" OR "reimbursement for health insurance" OR "expanding health insurance coverage" OR "reduce corruption" OR "Policies to manage absenteeism" OR "for-profit" OR "not-for-profit" OR "Multi-institutional arrangements" OR "Social Franchising" OR "Liability of healthcare organisations" OR "risk management" OR "Marketing regulations Policies" OR "Leadership capacity" OR "Strategic political leadership" OR "Effective institutions" OR "Regulatory capacities" OR "regulatory frameworks" OR "legislative frameworks" OR "capacidad de rectoría" OR "gobernanza del financiamiento" OR "gobernanza de las redes de prestación de servicios" OR "regulación del sector privado" OR "leadership and stewardship capacity" OR "financing governance" OR "governance of service delivery networks" OR "regulation of the private sector" OR "regulatory policies") AND (cp:("ANGUILLA" OR "ANTIGUA E BARBUDA" OR "ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS" OR "ARGENTINA" OR "ARUBA" OR "BAHAMAS" OR "BARBADOS" OR "BELIZE" OR "BERMUDAS" OR "BOLIVIA" OR "BRASIL" OR "CHILE" OR "COLOMBIA" OR "COSTA RICA" OR "CUBA" OR "DOMINICA" OR "EL SALVADOR" OR "EQUADOR" OR "GRANADA" OR "GUADALUPE" OR "GUATEMALA" OR "GUIANA FRANCESA" OR "GUIANA" OR "HAITI" OR "HONDURAS" OR "ILHAS CAIMAN" OR "ILHAS TURCAS E CAICOS" OR "ILHAS VIRGENS BRITANICAS" OR "ILHAS VIRGENS AMERICANAS" OR "JAMAICA" OR "MARTINICA" OR "MEXICO" OR "NICARAGUA" OR "PANAMA" OR "PARAGUAI" OR "PERU" OR "PORTO RICO" OR "REPUBLICA DOMINICANA" OR "SANTA LUCIA" OR "SAO CRISTOVAO E NEVIS" OR "SAO VICENTE E GRANADINAS" OR "SURINAME" OR "TRINIDAD E TOBAGO" OR "URUGUAI" OR "VENEZUELA") OR (Latinoamerica OR "Latin America" OR "America Latina" OR Carib* OR mh:(Z01.107.424* OR Z01.107.757* OR Z01.107.169* OR Z01.107.084*) OR ("Central America" OR "America Central" OR Centroamerica* OR "America Do Sul" OR "America del Sur" OR Sudamerica) OR (Mexic* OR "Porto Rico" OR "Puerto Rico") OR (Anguilla OR "Antigua y Barbuda" OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua e Barbuda" OR Aruba OR Antillas OR Bahamas OR Barbados OR Belize OR Belice OR Bermuda* OR "Cayman Islands" OR Cuba OR Curacao OR Curazao OR Dominica OR Granada OR Grenada OR Guadalupe OR Guadeloupe OR "Guiana francesa" OR "French Guiana" OR "Guyane francaise" OR "Guyana francesa" OR Haiti* OR "Indias Ocidentais" OR "Indias Occidentales" OR Jamaica* OR Martinica OR Martinique OR Montserrat OR "Netherland Antilles" OR "Antilhas Holandesas" OR "Dutch Antilles" OR "Republica Dominicana" OR "Dominican Republic" OR ("Sao Cristovao" Nevis) OR ("Saint Cristopher" Nevis) OR ("St Cristopher" Nevis) OR ("Saint Kitts" Nevis) OR ("San Kitts" Nevis) OR "Santa Lucia" OR "Saint Lucia" OR "St Lucia" OR ("Sao Vicente" Granadin*) OR ("Saint Vincent" Grenadin*) OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Saint Martin" OR Saint-Martin OR ("Sao Martinho" (Paises Baixos)) OR (Trinidad* Tobago) OR (("Ilhas Virgens" OR "Islas Virgenes") (Americanas OR Britanicas)) OR ((British OR American) "Virgin Islands") OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turcas e Caicos" OR "Turcas y Caicos" OR "West Indies") OR (Argentin* OR Bolivia* OR Brasil* OR Brazil* OR Chile* OR Colombia* OR Ecuador OR Equador OR Guyana* OR Guiana* OR Paraguay* OR Paraguai OR Peru OR Peruano* OR Uruguay* OR Uruguai* OR Surinam* OR Venezuela*) OR ("Costa Rica" OR "El Salvador" OR Guatemala OR Honduras OR Nicaragua OR Panama)))

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COVID-19 – Government health response

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from 8 de janeiro de 2023 às 20:38:46. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:


8 de janeiro de 2023 às 20:38:46Current Revision
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19 – Resposta de saúde do governo
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19 – Respuesta sanitaria gubernamental
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19 – Government health response
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19
Excluído: Adicionado: Países da Região Latino-Americana e do Caribe

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