Covid-19 Database Qualitative research

About the search

Filter for Type of Study applied in the database WHO-COVID-19

Main subjects
Qualitative research; Covid-19

Search result
Qualitative research

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((("semi-structured" OR semistructured* OR unstructured OR informal OR "in-depth" OR indepth OR structured* OR guide OR guides OR "face-to-face") AND (interview* OR discussion* OR questionnaire* OR survey*)) OR ("focus group" OR "focus groups" OR phenomenol* OR qualitativ* OR experiences OR ethnograph* OR fieldwork OR "field work" OR "key informant" OR mh:"interviews as topic" OR mh:"focus groups" OR mh:narration OR mh:"qualitative research" OR mh:"personal narratives as topic" OR mh:"Grounded Theory" OR "grounded study" OR "grounded studies" OR "grounded research" OR "grounded analysis" OR "grounded analyses" OR "grounded theory" OR "life story" OR "life stories" OR "content analysis" OR ti:discourse OR "narrative analysis" OR "participant observation" OR "action research" OR sh:"psychology"))

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Covid-19 Database Qualitative research

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from 14 de novembro de 2022 às 15:22:25. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:


14 de novembro de 2022 às 15:22:25Current Revision
Excluído: Adicionado: Covid-19 Database Qualitative research
Excluído: Adicionado: Covid-19 Database Investigación cualitativa
Excluído: Adicionado: Covid-19 Database Qualitative research
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19, Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19, Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde
Excluído: Adicionado: COVID-19, Metodologia de Estudos em Saúde

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.