Covid-19 Database Observational study

About the search

Filter for Type of Study applied in the database WHO-COVID-19

Main subjects
Observational study; Covid-19

Search result
Observational study

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
ti:epidemiolog* OR "epidemiology study" OR "epidemiology studies" OR "epidemiologic study" OR "epidemiologic studies" OR "epidemiological study" OR "epidemiological studies" OR cohort* OR observation* OR "observational study" OR "observational studies" OR longitudiunal OR "longitudinal study" OR "longitudinal studies" OR retrospective OR prospective OR "cross sectional" OR "cross-sectional" OR questionnaire* OR survey* OR "case comparison" OR "case-comparison" OR "case compeer" OR "case-compeer" OR "case referrent" OR "case-referrent" OR "case referent" OR "case-referent" OR "case base" OR "case-base" OR "case control" OR "case-control" OR "concurrent study" OR "concurrent studies" OR incidence* OR prevalence OR seroprevalence OR seroepidemiolog* OR ((case OR cases) AND (control OR controls)) OR mh:epidemiology

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