COVID-19 – Desempenho da Região em 2021 e perspectivas para 2022

Em revisão
Sobre a busca

Tema do Panorama da Região das Américas no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 disponível no portal Saúde nas Américas da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde em (

Assuntos principais
Continuity of Patient Care; Quality of Health Care; Covid-19 - perspectivas

Resultado da busca
Portal Regional da BVS

Ano de publicação
2021 e 2022

País de publicação
Países da Região Latino-Americana e do Caribe

Estratégia de busca
Z01.107.424 = América Latina      Z01.107.757 = América do Sul        Z01.107.169 = América Central    Z01.107.084 = Região do Caribe

Estratégia de busca para iAHx
(((mh:"covid-19" OR mh:"sars-cov-2" OR "New Coronavirus" OR "Novel Coronavirus" OR "Nuevo Coronavirus" OR "Novo Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus disease" OR "Enfermedad por Coronavirus" OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" OR (2019-ncov) OR (ncov 2019) OR 2019ncov OR covid19 OR (covid-19) OR covid2019 OR (covid-2019) OR (covid 2019) OR srag-cov-2 OR sars-cov-2 OR sars2 OR (sars 2) OR (sars cov 2) OR cov19 OR cov2019 OR Coronavirus* OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infections" OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infection" OR "Coronavirus 2" OR "acute respiratory disease" OR mh:Betacoronavirus OR mh:"Coronavirus infections" OR mh:"sars virus" OR (Wuhan market virus) OR (virus mercado Wuhan) OR "Wuhan Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus de Wuhan")) AND (cp:("ANGUILLA" OR "ANTIGUA E BARBUDA" OR "ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS" OR "ARGENTINA" OR "ARUBA" OR "BAHAMAS" OR "BARBADOS" OR "BELIZE" OR "BERMUDAS" OR "BOLIVIA" OR "BRASIL" OR "CHILE" OR "COLOMBIA" OR "COSTA RICA" OR "CUBA" OR "DOMINICA" OR "EL SALVADOR" OR "EQUADOR" OR "GRANADA" OR "GUADALUPE" OR "GUATEMALA" OR "GUIANA FRANCESA" OR "GUIANA" OR "HAITI" OR "HONDURAS" OR "ILHAS CAIMAN" OR "ILHAS TURCAS E CAICOS" OR "ILHAS VIRGENS BRITANICAS" OR "ILHAS VIRGENS AMERICANAS" OR "JAMAICA" OR "MARTINICA" OR "MEXICO" OR "NICARAGUA" OR "PANAMA" OR "PARAGUAI" OR "PERU" OR "PORTO RICO" OR "REPUBLICA DOMINICANA" OR "SANTA LUCIA" OR "SAO CRISTOVAO E NEVIS" OR "SAO VICENTE E GRANADINAS" OR "SURINAME" OR "TRINIDAD E TOBAGO" OR "URUGUAI" OR "VENEZUELA") OR (Latinoamerica OR "Latin America" OR "America Latina" OR Carib* OR mh:(Z01.107.424* OR Z01.107.757* OR Z01.107.169* OR Z01.107.084*) OR ("Central America" OR "America Central" OR Centroamerica* OR "America Do Sul" OR "America del Sur" OR Sudamerica) OR (Mexic* OR "Porto Rico" OR "Puerto Rico") OR (Anguilla OR "Antigua y Barbuda" OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua e Barbuda" OR Aruba OR Antillas OR Bahamas OR Barbados OR Belize OR Belice OR Bermuda* OR "Cayman Islands" OR Cuba OR Curacao OR Curazao OR Dominica OR Granada OR Grenada OR Guadalupe OR Guadeloupe OR "Guiana francesa" OR "French Guiana" OR "Guyane francaise" OR "Guyana francesa" OR Haiti* OR "Indias Ocidentais" OR "Indias Occidentales" OR Jamaica* OR Martinica OR Martinique OR Montserrat OR "Netherland Antilles" OR "Antilhas Holandesas" OR "Dutch Antilles" OR "Republica Dominicana" OR "Dominican Republic" OR ("Sao Cristovao" Nevis) OR ("Saint Cristopher" Nevis) OR ("St Cristopher" Nevis) OR ("Saint Kitts" Nevis) OR ("San Kitts" Nevis) OR "Santa Lucia" OR "Saint Lucia" OR "St Lucia" OR ("Sao Vicente" Granadin*) OR ("Saint Vincent" Grenadin*) OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Saint Martin" OR Saint-Martin OR ("Sao Martinho" (Paises Baixos)) OR (Trinidad* Tobago) OR (("Ilhas Virgens" OR "Islas Virgenes") (Americanas OR Britanicas)) OR ((British OR American) "Virgin Islands") OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turcas e Caicos" OR "Turcas y Caicos" OR "West Indies") OR (Argentin* OR Bolivia* OR Brasil* OR Brazil* OR Chile* OR Colombia* OR Ecuador OR Equador OR Guyana* OR Guiana* OR Paraguay* OR Paraguai OR Peru OR Peruano* OR Uruguay* OR Uruguai* OR Surinam* OR Venezuela*) OR ("Costa Rica" OR "El Salvador" OR Guatemala OR Honduras OR Nicaragua OR Panama))) AND (mh:("Delivery of Health Care" OR "Delivery of Health Care, Integrated" OR "Health Systems Plans" OR "Continuity of Patient Care" OR "Quality of Health Care" OR "Patient Safety" OR "Appointments and Schedules" OR "Case Management" OR "Disease Management" OR "Health Information Systems" OR "Health Services Needs and Demand" OR "Information Technology" OR "Infrastructure" OR "Inteligência Ambiental" OR "Medicine-Dispensing Establishments" OR "Patient Discharge" OR "Biomedical Technology" OR "Patient Transfer" OR "Quality Management" OR "Referral and Consultation" OR "Self-Help Devices" OR "Social Control, Formal" OR "Stratégies de Santé" OR "Transportation" OR "Telemedicine") OR "Organization and management" OR "Health care models" OR "Integrated health service" OR "delivery networks" OR "Quality Resilient health systems" OR "legislation and regulations" OR "functional health systems" OR "health system infrastructure" OR "Quality needs-based interventions" OR "people-centred health systems" OR "Queuing strategies" OR "Coordination of care amongst different provider" OR "Quality and safety systems" OR "sensory healthcare environment" OR "physical healthcare environment" OR "Outreach services" OR "mobile units" OR "Site of service delivery" OR "healthcare facility" OR "specialized facility" OR "non-specialized facility" OR "walk in clinics" OR "medical day hospital" OR " Size of organizations" OR "Transportation services" OR "Care pathways" OR "Case management" OR "evidence to practice" OR "local arrangements" OR "delivering care" OR "coordination of delivery of services" OR "continuity of delivery of services" OR "Communication between providers" OR "Comprehensive geriatric assessment" OR "Continuity of care" OR "fragmented care" OR "Discharge planning" OR "post-discharge setting" OR "Disease management" OR "Packages of care" OR "appointment systems" OR "Referral systems" OR "Shared care" OR "Shared decision-making" OR "multidisciplinary team" OR "Transition of Care" OR "communication technology" OR "Information technology" OR "Health information systems" OR "transfer healthcare information" OR "Smart home technologies" OR "Electronic assistive technologies" OR "Organisational culture" OR "Resilient health systems" OR "Quality needs-based interventions" OR "people-centred health systems" OR "Evidence-based decisions" OR "Innovation and technology") AND da:(2021* OR 2022*))

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