COVID-19 – Prevention and Control

In review
About the search
BIREME|OPS|OMS, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Thematic filter on prevention and control of Coronavírus-COVID-19 for Window of Knowledge

Main subjects
prevention and control, prevención y control, prevenção e controle

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Publication year
2019, 2020-

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(("infection prevention" OR "prevention and control" OR "prevencion y control" OR "prevencao e controle" OR ti:(preven* control*) OR ti:(control* infec*) OR ti:(preven* infec*) OR "medidas preventivas" OR "prevenção y controlo" OR "terapia preventiva" OR ti:prophylaxis OR ti:profilaxia OR "preventive therapy" OR "preventive measures" OR sh:"prevention & control" OR mh:"Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis" OR ti:prevention OR ti:prevencion OR ti:prevencao OR ti:controle OR ti:control OR ti:controlo OR ti:preventiv*) AND da:202*) AND (((("2019-2020" OR 2019 OR da:202*) ("New Coronavirus" OR "Novel Coronavirus" OR "Nuevo Coronavirus" OR "Novo Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus disease" OR "Enfermedad por Coronavirus" OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2")) OR ((2019-ncov) OR (ncov 2019) OR 2019ncov OR covid19 OR (covid-19) OR covid2019 OR (covid-2019) OR (covid 2019)) OR ((srag-cov-2 OR sars-cov-2 OR sars2 OR (sars 2) OR (sars cov 2) OR cov19 OR cov2019 OR Coronavirus* OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infections" OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infection" OR "Coronavirus 2" OR "acute respiratory disease" OR mh:Betacoronavirus OR mh:"Coronavirus infections" OR mh:"sars virus") AND (tw:2019 OR da:202*) AND NOT da:201*) OR (Wuhan market virus) OR (virus mercado Wuhan) OR "Wuhan Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus de Wuhan") AND NOT (ti:dromedar*))

MEDLINE, LILACS, National, Specialized Databases or International Organizations

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