COVID-19 – Complications

About the search

Thematic filter about complications of COVID-19  for Window of Knowledge

Main subjects
Complications; complicaciones, complicações

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(ti:(complication* OR complicac*) OR "adverse outcomes" OR "cardiac complications" OR "psychological complications" OR "clinical complications" OR "complications of COVID-19" OR "complication of COVID" OR "complicaciones por COVID-19" OR "complicacoes da COVID-19" OR "complications of coronavirus" OR "health complications" OR "mental complications" OR "risk of complication" OR "neurological complications" OR "psychosocial complications" OR pneumothorax OR "myocardial infarction" OR "coronary thrombosis" OR thrombosis OR trombose OR vasculitis OR aortitis OR "ischemic necrosis" OR "Acute kidney injury" OR "cardiac injury" OR "Fibrose Pulmonar" OR "Fibrosis Pulmonar" OR "Pulmonary Fibrosis") AND (((("2019-2020" OR 2019 OR da:202*) ("New Coronavirus" OR "Novel Coronavirus" OR "Nuevo Coronavirus" OR "Novo Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus disease" OR "Enfermedad por Coronavirus" OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2")) OR ((2019-ncov) OR (ncov 2019) OR 2019ncov OR covid19 OR (covid-19) OR covid2019 OR (covid-2019) OR (covid 2019)) OR ((srag-cov-2 OR sars-cov-2 OR sars2 OR (sars 2) OR (sars cov 2) OR cov19 OR cov2019 OR Coronavirus* OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infections" OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Infection" OR "Coronavirus 2" OR "acute respiratory disease" OR mh:Betacoronavirus OR mh:"Coronavirus infections" OR mh:"sars virus") AND (tw:2019 OR da:202*) AND NOT da:201*) OR (Wuhan market virus) OR (virus mercado Wuhan) OR "Wuhan Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus de Wuhan") AND NOT (ti:dromedar*))

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