
About the search

Relevant documents referring to Health topics highlighted on the Pan American Health Organization site - Cancer.

Main subjects
Câncer, cáncer, cancer

Search result

Search strategy
Panamerican Health Organization - Health topics

iAHx search strategy
((((mj:"Neoplasms" OR (ti:("Neoplasms" OR "Neoplasias" OR "Cancer" OR "Cancro" OR "Neoplasmas" OR "Neoplasia" OR Neoplasm) OR (ti:(Tumor OR Tumors OR Tumores OR Tumeurs) AND ti:Malign$))) AND (mj:N02.421.726$ or mh:"Disease Prevention" or ti:prevencao or ti:prevention or ti:prevencion or ti:Immuniza$ or ti:Inmuniza$ or ti:Imuniza$ or ti:Vacina$ or ti:Vaccin$ or ti:Vacuna$ or ti:"Preventive Health Services" or ti:"Cuidados Preventivos" or ti:"Health Education" or ti:"Educación en Salud" or ti:"Educação em Saúde" or ti:"Servicios Preventivos" or ti:"Serviços Preventivos")) and not mj:N02.421.726.233.443$))

MEDLINE, LILACS, CDSR - Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials : CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials, DARE - Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects, NHS Economic Evaluations Database, HTA - Health Technology Assessment Database, WHOLIS (WHO Library Database), PAHO (PAHO Library Database), All VHL data bases.

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