ASSA 2030 – Goal 5: Medicines, Vaccines and Technologies

About the search

Filter for Goal 5: Medicines, Vaccines and Technologies for the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas (ASSA 2030)

Main subjects
Vacinação; Vaccines; vacinas; Programas de Imunização; Immunization Programs; medicamentos

Search result
Portal Regional BVS

Search strategy
H01.770.644 = Pesquisa D20.215.894 = Vacinas

iAHx search strategy
((mh:"Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies" OR mh:"Research Support as topic" OR ((mh:H01.770.644* OR ti:(Pesquisa OR investigac* OR research* OR investigación)) AND ti:(subsidio OR support OR apoyo OR apoio)) OR "Doha Declaration" OR "TRIPS Agreement and Public Health") OR (((mh:"Prescription Drugs" OR mh:"Pharmaceutical Preparations" OR mh:"Medicamentos Genéricos" OR mh:"medicamentos essenciais" OR mh:"Tecnologia Biomedica" or mh:"Tecnologia de Alto Custo" or mh:"Tecnologia de Baixo Custo" or mh:"Transferencia de Tecnologia" OR mh:"Drogas en Investigación" or mh:"Vacinação em Massa" or mh:"Cobertura Vacinal" or mh:vacinacao or mh:"Programas de Imunização") or mh:D20.215.894$ OR ti:(tecnologia* or technology OR Technologies or tecnologica* or technological OR Vaccin* OR vacuna* OR vacina* OR drug OR drugs OR medicament* or medicines)) AND (availability OR accessibility OR accesibilidad* OR access OR acesso OR acceso OR disponibilidad* OR "for all" OR "para todos")) AND NOT mj:(convulsoes))

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