Breast feeding

About the search

Relevant documents referring to Health topics highlighted on the Pan American Health Organization site - Breast Feeding.

Main subjects
Aleitamento materno, lactancia materna, breast feeding

Search result
Breast feeding

Search strategy
Panamerican Health Organization - Health topics

iAHx search strategy
(((mh:"Breast Feeding" or ti:("Breast Feeding" OR "Lactancia Materna" OR "Aleitamento Materno" OR "lactancia materna" OR "Aleitamento" OR "Amamantamiento" OR "Amamentação" OR "Alimentación al Pecho" OR "Alimentação ao Peito" OR "Allaitement") or mh:"Infant Formula" or mh:"infant food" or ti:("Baby food" or "Babies food" or "infant food" or "Infant Formula" or "Infant formulas" or "Fórmulas Infantiles" or "Alimentos Infantiles" or "Alimentos Infantis" or "Fórmulas Infantis" or "Fórmulas para Lactentes" or "Baby Formula" or "Baby Formulas")) OR (ti:(nutricao or nutrition or nutricion or alimenta$ or feeding or aleitamento or breastfed$ or breastfeed$) AND ti:(materna$ or mae or mother$ or nino$ or pregnan$ or gravidez$ or embaraz$ or child$ or crianca$ or infant$ or lact?nte or newborn$ or neonato$ or "recem nascido" or "reciem nascido" or "recem nascidos" or "reciem nascidos"))) AND ((MH:"Mortalidade Infantil" OR tw:"Infant Mortality" or tw:"Mortalidad Infantil" OR tw:"Mortalidade Infantil" OR tw:"Neonatal Mortality" OR ((TI:infant* or TI:child* or TI:nino* or TI:neonat*) and (TI:mort* or TI:death or TI:obit*))) OR (((tw:metas OR tw:meta OR tw:objetivo* OR tw:objectiv* OR tw:goal*) AND (tw:development OR tw:desenvolvimento OR tw:desarrollo) AND (tw:milenio OR tw:millenniu* OR tw:milennium OR tw:millenium OR tw:milleniun OR tw:milenniun)) OR ODM OR MDG)))

MEDLINE, LILACS, CDSR - Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials : CENTRAL Controlled Clinical Trials, DARE - Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects, NHS Economic Evaluations Database, HTA - Health Technology Assessment Database, WHOLIS (WHO Library Database), PAHO (PAHO Library Database), All VHL data bases.

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