Adesão dos pacientes ao tratamento da hanseníase

About the search

Check the adherence to the treatment of people affected by leprosy

Main subjects
Leprosy; Treatment Adherence and Compliance

Search result
Adherencia de los pacientes al tratamiento de la lepra

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
((mh:hanseníase OR mh:"hanseníase multibacilar" OR mh:"hanseníase virchowiana" OR mh:"hanseníase paucibacilar" OR mh:"hanseníase dimorfa" OR mh:"hanseníase tuberculóide" OR ti:hanseniase OR ti:lepra OR ti:leprosy OR ti:"doença de hansen" OR ti:hanseniano OR ti:leproso OR ti:leper) AND (tw:therapy OR tw:terapia OR tw:treating OR tw:treatment OR tw:tratamento OR tw:chemotherapy OR tw:quimioterapia OR tw:poliquimioterapia OR tw:"drug polytherapy" OR (tw:drug and tw:therapy)) AND (mh:"attitude to health" OR mh:"patient compliance" OR mh:"medication adherence" OR mh:patient dropouts OR mh:treatment refusal OR tw:"aderencia ao tratamento" OR tw:"aderencia terapeutica" OR tw:"adesao ao tratamento" OR tw:"adesao ao medicamento" OR tw:"submissao ao medicamento" OR tw:"cumprimento do tratamento" OR tw:"nao adesao ao medicamento" OR tw:"nao aderencia ao medicamento" OR tw:"paciente que abandonam o tratamento" OR tw:"pacientes que desistem do tratamento" OR tw:"desistencia do tratamento" OR tw:"desistencia do paciente" OR tw:"evasao do paciente" OR tw:"recusa ao tratamento" OR tw:"adherence to treatment" OR tw:"therapeutic adherence" OR tw:"adherence to the drug" OR tw:"saubmission to the drug" OR tw:"treatment compliance" OR tw:"no adherence to the drug" OR tw:"patients withdrawing from treatment" OR tw:"patients who discontinue treatment" OR tw:"treatment withdrawal" OR tw:"patient evasion" OR tw:"refusal to treat" OR tw:"adherencia al tratamiento" OR tw:"aderencia terapeutica" OR tw:"adhesion al tratamiento" OR tw:"adhesion al medicamento" OR tw:"sumision al medicamento" OR tw:"no se adjunto al medicamento" OR tw:"no se adhiere al medicamento" OR tw:"pacientes que abandonan el tratamiento" OR tw:"pacientes que renuncian al tratamiento" OR tw:"desistencia del tratamiento" OR tw:"desistencia del paciente" OR tw:"evasion del paciente" OR tw:"rechazo al tratamiento"))

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Adesão dos pacientes ao tratamento da hanseníase

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from 16 de setembro de 2019 às 15:42:48. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

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There are no differences between the 16 de setembro de 2019 às 15:42:48 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)