Pós hospitalização
Sobre a busca
- Responsible
- WHO Library
- Descrição
- This search was used to inform a systematic review on post hospitalization interventions to prevent mortality.
- Assuntos principais
- Post hospitalization
- Resultado da busca
- "VHL Regional Portal"
Estratégia de busca
- Estratégia de busca para iAHx
- N/A
Estratégia de busca (Pubmed)
- Estratégia de busca
- "Patient Discharge"[Mesh] OR post-hospitali*[tiab] OR posthospital*[tiab] OR "post discharge"[tiab:~5] OR "post discharged"[tiab:~5] OR postdischarg*[tiab] OR after-discharge*[tiab] OR "after hospitalization"[tiab:~2] OR following-discharg*[tiab] OR following-hospitali*[tiab] OR "discharged hospitalization"[tiab:~5] OR "patient discharge"[tiab:~3] OR "patients discharge"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged patient"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged patients"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged home"[tiab:~3] OR discharge-plan*[tiab] OR recent-dischar*[tiab] OR recent-hospital*[tiab] OR discharge-follow-up*[tiab] OR "hospital discharge"[tiab:~3]
Estratégia de busca (Cochrane)
- Observação
- Cochrane central doesn't allow number phrases without ""
- Estratégia de busca
- #1 MeSH descriptor: [Patient Discharge] explode all trees
#2 (post-hospitali* OR posthospital* OR postdischarg* OR after-discharge* OR following-discharg* OR following-hospitali* OR discharge-plan* OR recent-dischar* OR recent-hospital* OR discharge-follow-up* OR ((patient* OR hospital* OR home) NEAR/3 (discharge*)) OR ((post) NEAR/5 (discharge*)) OR (after NEAR/2 hospital*)):ti,ab
Estratégia de busca (other databases)
- Observação
- Search Strategy Expression I: EMBASE ELSEVIER
- Estratégia de busca
- (post-hospitali* OR posthospital* OR postdischarg* OR after-discharge* OR following-discharg* OR following-hospitali* OR discharge-plan* OR recent-dischar* OR recent-hospital* OR discharge-follow-up* OR ((patient* OR hospital* OR home) NEAR/3 (discharge*)) OR ((post) NEAR/5 (discharge*)) OR (after NEAR/2 hospital*)):ti,ab
1 de maio de 2024 às 02:08:36 | Current Revision |
Title |
Excluído: [en_US]Abortion[/en_US][es_ES]aborto[/es_ES][pt_BR]aborto[/pt_BR]
| Adicionado: [en_US]Post hospitalization[/en_US][es_ES]Post hospitalización[/es_ES][pt_BR]Pós hospitalização[/pt_BR]
title_pt |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Pós hospitalização |
title_es |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Post hospitalización |
title_en |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Post hospitalization |
category_pt |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Saúde Pública, Serviços de Saúde, WHO Library |
category_es |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Salud Publica, Servicios de Salud, WHO Library |
category_en |
Excluído: | Adicionado: Public Health, Health Services, WHO Library |
description_of_the_search |
Excluído: This search was used to inform a systematic review on Abortion in first Trimester using Misoprostol alone. Spontaneous Abortions (Miscarriages) were included in the search. | Adicionado: This search was used to inform a systematic review on post hospitalization interventions to prevent mortality. |
main_subject_of_the_search |
Excluído: [en_US]Abortion[/en_US]
| Adicionado: [en_US]Post hospitalization[/en_US]
pubmed_search_strategy_information |
Excluído: Combing just #2 AND #3 is specific to the topic. | Adicionado: |
Excluído: Including Abortifacient agents for #1 includes the use of these agents for ectopic pregancies and also the ones for pregnancy loss | |
Excluído: pregnancy loss is to be included - pregnancy loss, prengnacy failure or miscarriage terms | |
Excluído: Embryotomy brings in more animal literaure. | |
Excluído: Look into ectopic pregnancies - abortions might be termed differently can replace abortifacient agents with ectopic terms | |
pubmed_search_strategy_expression |
Excluído: "abortion, induced"[MeSH Terms] OR “Abortion, Criminal"[Mesh] OR "Abortion Applicants"[Mesh] OR "Abortion Applicants"[Mesh] OR "Abortifacient Agents"[Mesh] OR "Abortion, Spontaneous"[Mesh] OR abortion*[tw] OR Embryotom*[tiab] OR "pregnancy terminated"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy termination"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies terminated"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies termination"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy terminating"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies terminating"[Tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy aborted"[tiab:~5 ] OR "pregnancy aborted"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy abortive"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy abort"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancy abortificient"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies aborted"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies abortive"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies abort"[tiab:~5] OR "pregnancies abortificient"[tiab:~5] OR "Postconception Fertility Control"[TIAB] OR Embryotomies[TIAB] OR Embryotomy[TIAB] OR "Pregnancy loss"[tiab:~3] OR "Pregnancy failure"[tiab:~3] OR miscarriage*[tiab] | Adicionado: "Patient Discharge"[Mesh] OR post-hospitali*[tiab] OR posthospital*[tiab] OR "post discharge"[tiab:~5] OR "post discharged"[tiab:~5] OR postdischarg*[tiab] OR after-discharge*[tiab] OR "after hospitalization"[tiab:~2] OR following-discharg*[tiab] OR following-hospitali*[tiab] OR "discharged hospitalization"[tiab:~5] OR "patient discharge"[tiab:~3] OR "patients discharge"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged patient"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged patients"[tiab:~3] OR "discharged home"[tiab:~3] OR discharge-plan*[tiab] OR recent-dischar*[tiab] OR recent-hospital*[tiab] OR discharge-follow-up*[tiab] OR "hospital discharge"[tiab:~3] |
cochrane_search_strategy_expression |
Excluído: #1 MeSH descriptor: [Abortion, Spontaneous] explode all trees 1369 | |
Excluído: #2 MeSH descriptor: [Abortion, Induced] explode all trees 1524 | |
Excluído: #3 MeSH descriptor: [Abortifacient Agents] explode all trees 880
| Adicionado: #1 MeSH descriptor: [Patient Discharge] explode all trees
Excluído: #4 (abortion OR abortions OR miscarriage* post-conception-fertility-control):ti,ab,kw 9935 | |
Excluído: #5 (pregnan* NEAR/5 (abort* OR terminat*)):ti,ab,kw 3876 | |
Excluído: #6 (pregnan* NEAR/2 (loss* OR failure*)):ti,ab,kw 1435 | |
Excluído: #7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 11579 | Adicionado: OR |
| Adicionado: #2 (post-hospitali* OR posthospital* OR postdischarg* OR after-discharge* OR following-discharg* OR following-hospitali* OR discharge-plan* OR recent-dischar* OR recent-hospital* OR discharge-follow-up* OR ((patient* OR hospital* OR home) NEAR/3 (discharge*)) OR ((post) NEAR/5 (discharge*)) OR (after NEAR/2 hospital*)):ti,ab |
other_search_strategy_information |
Excluído: Search Strategy Expression I: EMBASE ElSEVIER
| Adicionado: Search Strategy Expression I: EMBASE ELSEVIER
other_search_strategy_expression_I |
Excluído: 'abortion'/exp OR 'pregnancy termination'/exp OR 'abortive agent'/exp OR (Embryotomies OR Embryotomy):ti,ab,kw OR (abortion OR abortions OR miscarriage* post-conception-fertility-control):ti,ab,kw OR (pregnan* NEAR/5 (abort* OR terminat*)):ti,ab,kw,de OR (pregnan* NEAR/2 (loss* OR failure*)):ti,ab,kw,de | Adicionado: (post-hospitali* OR posthospital* OR postdischarg* OR after-discharge* OR following-discharg* OR following-hospitali* OR discharge-plan* OR recent-dischar* OR recent-hospital* OR discharge-follow-up* OR ((patient* OR hospital* OR home) NEAR/3 (discharge*)) OR ((post) NEAR/5 (discharge*)) OR (after NEAR/2 hospital*)):ti,ab |
Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.