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Repositório de estratégias de busca na BVS
Estratégias de busca para temas específicos

República Centro-Africana

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República da Gâmbia

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República da Costa do Marfim

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República Democrática do Congo

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República do Sudão do Sul

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República da Guiné Equatorial

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

Estado da Eritreia

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

Reino de Eswatini

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República Federal Democrática da Etiópia

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.

República Gabonesa

These filters were developed in the World Health Organization Library to be used primarily when searching for systematic reviews for a specific country or a combination of countries.