Producing an improved geographic-methodology and evidence from three developing countries,_March_2002%29.pdf

This paper implements a methodology for estimating poverty in Ecuador, Madagascar and South Africa, at levels of disaggregation that to date have not generally been available. The methodology is based on a statistical procedure to combine household survey data with population census data, imputing into the latter a measure of per capita consumption from the former.

Autor(es): Demombynes, Gabriel, Elbers,Chris, Lanjouw, Jenny, Lanjouw, Peter, Mistiaen, Johan, Özler, Berk Originador(es): United nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research
Recurso adicionado em: 17/07/2002
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Pobreza, Measurement, Profiles, Forecasting models, Statistical, Measuring, Methods and Indicators, Equity, Living Conditions
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