Radiation Safety Guide


This is a reference document describing the policies and required procedures of the NIH Radiation Safety Program. It includes information for users, storage, training, registration, monitoring, disposal and exposure risks. Information is relevenet to anyone concerned with the protection of occupational radiation exposure.

Originador(es): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health
Recurso adicionado em: 06/03/2002
Objetivo: The primary purpose of the Radiation Safety Guide is as an educational vehicle. It is intended to serve as the textbook for the essential training necessary for each NIH employee who uses or encounters radiation-emitting sources or materials.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Exposição Ocupacional, Exposição à Radiação, Saúde Ocupacional, Gestão da Segurança, Padrões de Referência, Toxicologia, Occupational toxicology
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