Screening and surveillance of workers exposed to mineral dust

Provides definitions of screening and surveillance and describes the main elements of such programs, describes the practical aspects of screening and surveilance programmes to working populations exposed to mineral dusts. Intended for health professionals. Written in PDF, requiring Adobe Acrobat to view.

Autor(es): Wagner, Gregory R. Originador(es): National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Respiratory Diseases
Recurso adicionado em: 06/02/2002
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Mineração, Amianto, Indústria Química, Exposição Ocupacional, Saúde Ocupacional, Local de Trabalho, 16359, 16360, 32400, Pneumoconiose, Silicatos, Doenças Profissionais, Toxicologia, Coal Mining Industry, ustrydustrydustry, Inhalant Exposure, Occupational risk, Occupational toxicology
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