Advanced imaging of the diabetic foot and its complications

It demonstrates methods to optimize diabetic foot imaging protocols and review imaging findings in various diabetic foot conditions, including cellulitis, septic arthritis, abscess and sinus tract formation, osteomyelitis, gangrene, and charcot foot disease with attention to the differential diagnosis of various pathologic findings. It presents case reports and references.

Autor(es): Learch, Thomas J., Gentili, Amilcare Originador(es): Amilcare Gentili (UCLA Department of Radiological Sciences)
Recurso adicionado em: 05/07/2001
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Pé Diabético/22058, Pé Diabético/diagnóstico, Diabetes Mellitus, Osteomielite, Celulite (Flegmão), Artrite Infecciosa, Abscesso, Gangrena, Radiologia, Medicina, Obras de Referência, Atlas [tipo de publicação]
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