Database of Constituents Absorbed into the Blood and Metabolites of TCM (DCABM-TCM)

The Database of Constituents Absorbed into Blood and Metabolites of Traditional Chinese Medicine (DCABM-TCM), is a database systematically collecting blood constituents of TCM prescriptions and herbs. It is conteins blood constituents with chemical structures of herbs and prescriptions were manually mined from literature, together with the detailed experimental conditions under which the blood constituents were detected, including extraction method, experimental animal and animal model, administration method and dose, blood collection time and location etc. In addition, blood constituents without structures were also been recorded in the DCABM-TCM as they were given in the source publications.

Originador(es): Beijing Proteome Research Center
Recurso adicionado em: 26/07/2024
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Plantas Medicinais, Medicina Tradicional Chinesa
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