Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association - BMBFA

Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association is a non-profit organization. That pretend to reduce racial inequities in breastfeeding support for african americans by building foundational networks of support, and strengthening systems to overcome historical, societal and social barriers to breastfeeding success, provide education, valuable resources and ongoing support to African American families and public/private agencies that service these families. This content is also available in Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

Originador(es): Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association - BMBFA
Recurso adicionado em: 08/11/2016
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Saúde da Mulher, Apoio Social, 34786, Aleitamento Materno, Negro ou Afro-Americano
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