HIV and AIDS in Americas: an epidemic with many faces

As the HIV epidemic enters its third decade, the challenges it poses to families, to societies, to governments and to science continue to grow. The more we learn about HIV and the behaviors that spread it, the more we are forced to recognize the diversity of the global pandemic. Nowhere is this more true than in the Americas, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the levels, patterns of spread and responses to the epidemic are probably more varied than in any other geographical Region of the world.

Originador(es): Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, Latin American and Caribbean Epidemiological Network, Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic Network, Foro 2000, Latin America and the Caribbean STD/AIDS
Recurso adicionado em: 27/12/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Surtos de Doenças, Equidade em Saúde, Acquired Immunodeficiency
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