Confronting Cancer Through Art

Confronting Cancer Through Art 1999 celebrates the courage and creativity of all those who have confronted cancer, either through their own experience or that of a family member or friend. The exhibition contains 65 pieces created in various media including sculpture, quilt, painting, and photography, that depict the challenge and personal triumph of those with a disease. To begin browsing the virtual gallery, choose an artist from the select menu below. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the work. Confronting Cancer Through Art was a juried exhibition, sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center, that was on display at the Arthur Ross Gallery from September 15 - October 31, 1999. The artwork will be available on OncoLink's virtual gallery indefinitely.

Originador(es): University of Pennsylvania, OncoLink, Arthur Ross Gallery Homepage
Recurso adicionado em: 04/11/2007
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Arte, Papel do Doente, Neoplasias
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