What choices do democracies have in globalizing economies?


Democratization has expanded a great deal in most regions of the world. A large number of authoritarian regimes have lost power in competitive elections as citizens demand better forms of representation, openness and accountability in the governance of their societies. Despite its unevenness and setbacks in many countries, democratization continues to offer prospects for improving the institutions of government and encouraging participation in public affairs in the new millennium.

Originador(es): United Nations, Research Institute for Social Development
Recurso adicionado em: 20/12/2000
Objetivo: The UNRISD conference on Technocratic Policy Making and Democratization provides an opportunity to discuss the emerging tension between democracy and insulated styles of policy making. If citizens believe that newly established democratic institutions are being ignored or downgraded in the making of decisions that affect their lives, they may seek solutions outside of these institutions.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Democracia, Economia, Accountability, Governance, Advocacy
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