Guyana Virtual Health Library

The process to develop the VHL in Guyana was launched in 2004, with a visiting team from BIREME. During this visit a workshop was held for all stakeholders to address all aspects in establishing a VHL. A planning committee under PAHO’s leadership was launched and presently the Country Office is providing technical and administrative support to the work of this committee. PAHO/WHO in collaboration with the University of Guyana Library and the Ministry of Health launched the Guyana VHL, 16 March 2012 at the University of Guyana, turkeyen campus. This initiative was developed to enhance access to health information in Guyana. The VHL is intended to provide high quality and reliable health information in a cost-effective way in an attempt to bridge the geographic or electronic barriers.

Originador(es): BIREME/OPS/OMS
Recurso adicionado em: 05/08/2015
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Bibliotecas Digitais, Células Germinativas Embrionárias, Telócitos, Virtual Health Library Guyana
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