Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE) Course


The course will follow the systematic review process as it applies, and is adapted to, qualitative evidence syntheses. The Programme Faculty will take participants through the stages of defining and exploring scope, conducting the literature searches, quality assessing studies for inclusion, synthesising data and writing up and presenting the product of the synthesis. Participants will be provided with practical experience of key stages in the review process. The course will conclude on the 8th September with Issues and Challenges for Qualitative Research in Evidence Synthesis (InCQuiRES) a one-day methodological update providing an excellent overview of current developments in qualitative evidence synthesis.

Originador(es): The University of Sheffield
Recurso adicionado em: 02/05/2011
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Revisão, Cursos de Capacitação
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