Epistemonikos: Social network for global evidence-based health care


Imagine if a health worker in a low income country could ask a clinical question, in any language, using a basic, mobile phone, and get a user-friendly summary of the most up-to-date reliable evidence, with an appraisal of its relevance and transferability to their setting, in the format they prefer, linked to all available evidence. Gabriel Rada in Chile and Vivian Welch in Ottawa have partnered and applied to develop an online, collaborative platform with Cochrane and other systematic reviews as the basis, linked to all primary studies, clinical guidelines and user-friendly summaries, and with collaborative features to allow users to participate in evaluating applicability, equity and relevance with reference to their own setting.

Originador(es): Grand Challenges Canada
Recurso adicionado em: 08/04/2011
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências
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