SASAS - South African Society for Animal Science

True to our slogan, Experiencia docet, our mission is to advance animal science and promote viable animal production systems, while sustaining natural resources and the environment and thereby to serve in the interests of human welfare. The emphasis and focus are on relevant issues pertaining to the southern African region. The scope of our interests includes all facets of the husbandry of farm livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, ostriches and horses) including the products derived from them (meat, milk and dairy products, wool, mohair, leather and eggs) as well as relevant aspects of aquatic and wildlife species. The main disciplines of interest are nutrition, genetics, physiology, meat science, wool science and pasture science. Sociological and managerial aspects of well-defined livestock production and farming systems are also of interest.

Originador(es): South African Society for animal Science - SASAS
Recurso adicionado em: 08/10/2010
Objetivo: The objectives of the Society are to promote animal science by:-Ensuring that high standards of education, research, technology and science-based public policy are upheld with regard to animal production and animal products;-Upholding professional integrity and ethical codes;-Fostering the scientific interests and professional status of members;-Organizing symposia on a regular basis;-Publishing a scientific journal;Serving as mouthpiece on all matters relating to animal production and animal products in compliance with public welfare and general interests;
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Medicina Veterinária, Criação de Animais Domésticos
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